Intercontinental, multimodal, wide-range tele-cooperation using a humanoid robot
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Seeing the hand while reaching speeds up on-line responses to a sudden change in target position (2009)
Journal Article
Goal-directed movements are executed under the permanent supervision of the central nervous system, which continuously processes sensory afferents and triggers on-line corrections if movement accuracy seems to be compromised. For arm reaching movemen... Read More about Seeing the hand while reaching speeds up on-line responses to a sudden change in target position.
Designing a virtual partner for a haptic interaction task (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
A new admittance-type haptic interface for bimanual manipulations (2008)
Journal Article
The concept of a new mobile haptic interface for bimanual manipulations in 6 DOFs is presented. The design of this mobile haptic interface is based on a modular system consisting of two components: two admittance-type haptic interfaces and a mobile p... Read More about A new admittance-type haptic interface for bimanual manipulations.
Intercontinental cooperative telemanipulation between Germany and Japan (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tele-assembly in wide remote environments (2008)
Journal Article
The human role in telerobotics (2007)
Journal Article
This chapter introduces the main topics of a telerobotic system. It describes the architecture of such a system from a general point of view and emphasizes the interaction between a human operator and a robot that performs the task in the remote envi... Read More about The human role in telerobotics.
Advanced telerobotics: Dual-handed and mobile remote manipulation (2007)
Journal Article
This work presents an advanced dual-handed, mobile telerobotic system developed at the High-Fidelity Telepresence and Teleaction Research Centre, Munich, Germany. To the authors' best knowledge, it is the first attempt to integrate mobile and multi-r... Read More about Advanced telerobotics: Dual-handed and mobile remote manipulation.
Development of a high-performance haptic telemanipulation system with dissimilar kinematics (2006)
Journal Article
This work addresses selected practical issues regarding the development of a telerobotic system for 6-d.o.f. tasks. The system consists of a hyper-redundant 10-d.o.f. haptic input device ViSHaRD10, a redundant 7-d.o.f. manipulator and a stereo vision... Read More about Development of a high-performance haptic telemanipulation system with dissimilar kinematics.
High fidelity telepresence systems: Design, control, and evaluation (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
An overview of subjectively selected recent topics and research trends in the area of modern telepresence and teleaction is given. Multi-modal telepresence systems are to enable human operators to become present and active in remote or inaccessible e... Read More about High fidelity telepresence systems: Design, control, and evaluation.
Brood sorting by ants: Two phases and differential diffusion (2004)
Journal Article
Leptothorax ant colonies sort their brood in concentric annuli with the smallest items in the middle and the largest on the periphery. Such brood sorting is a prime example of collective structure formation by social insects. Its underlying mechanism... Read More about Brood sorting by ants: Two phases and differential diffusion.
Algorithms for building annular structures with minimalist robots inspired by brood sorting in ant colonies (2004)
Journal Article
This study shows that a task as complicated as multi-object 'ant-like annular sorting' can be accomplished with 'minimalist' solutions employing simple mechanisms and minimal hardware. It provides an alternative to 'patch sorting' for multi-object so... Read More about Algorithms for building annular structures with minimalist robots inspired by brood sorting in ant colonies.
A new interaction force decomposition maximizing compensating forces under physical work constraints
Decomposition of interaction forces in manipulation tasks has a long research tradition. Interaction forces are often split into robustness-reflective and accelerating forces. While this decomposition is typically performed for the synthesis of inter... Read More about A new interaction force decomposition maximizing compensating forces under physical work constraints.
Showing 61 - 80 of 81 results