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Outputs (27)

HomeLabs: Mapping household clusters to understand water and energy consumption behaviours (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Utility companies are continuously seeking new ways to understand the intricate nature of household water and energy usage patterns. Conventional “demand management” interventions usually proceed from an “information deficit” approach to behaviour ch... Read More about HomeLabs: Mapping household clusters to understand water and energy consumption behaviours.

The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN a Global world (HELPING) (2024)
Journal Article

The new scientific decade (2023-2032) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) aims at searching for sustainable solutions to undesired water conditions - may it be too little, too much or too polluted. Many of the current iss... Read More about The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN a Global world (HELPING).

Building height and density effects related to winter and summer temperature and precipitation simulation based on Local Climate Zones in a coastal city: A case study of Istanbul (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The temperature and precipitation extremes of coastal cities are modulated by land-atmospheric interactions and modified land surfaces. Local climate zones are used as land use representations in a convection-permitting model to simulate precipitatio... Read More about Building height and density effects related to winter and summer temperature and precipitation simulation based on Local Climate Zones in a coastal city: A case study of Istanbul.

Exploring continental convection-permitting model simulations for South America: Cross-correlation dynamics between precipitation and temperature time series at Sao Paulo (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Increasing spatial resolution to kilometre scales allows the deactivation of deep convection parameterisation schemes. As a result of various global initiatives for the next generation of climate studies, continental convection-permitting model (CPM)... Read More about Exploring continental convection-permitting model simulations for South America: Cross-correlation dynamics between precipitation and temperature time series at Sao Paulo.

Spatial heterogeneity in the response of winter wheat yield to meteorological dryness/wetness variations in Henan province, China (2024)
Journal Article

Knowledge of the responses of winter wheat yield to meteorological dryness/wetness variations is crucial for reducing yield losses in Henan province, China’s largest winter wheat production region, under the background of climate change. Data on clim... Read More about Spatial heterogeneity in the response of winter wheat yield to meteorological dryness/wetness variations in Henan province, China.

Detection and quantitative microbial risk assessment of pathogenic Vibrio cholerae in a river used for drinking, domestic, fresh produce irrigation and recreational purposes (2024)
Journal Article

Cholera infection results from the ingestion of water or food contaminated with toxigenic Vibrio cholerae. This study evaluated the occurrence of toxigenic V. cholerae in Asata River, Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria, and estimated V. cholerae infection ris... Read More about Detection and quantitative microbial risk assessment of pathogenic Vibrio cholerae in a river used for drinking, domestic, fresh produce irrigation and recreational purposes.

Application of multiple stable isotopes to aid identification of the origin of regional and organic animal products in Hesse, Germany (2023)
Journal Article

There is an increasing global demand for regional and organic produce. However, the growth of these markets depends on consumers’ trust. Thus, novel methods must be developed to aid the verification of the origin of produce. We built on our previous... Read More about Application of multiple stable isotopes to aid identification of the origin of regional and organic animal products in Hesse, Germany.

The merit of the North Sea-Caspian pattern in explaining climate variability in the Euro-Mediterranean region (2023)
Journal Article

Teleconnection patterns are one of the key features to understanding high-frequency natural climate variability. The North Sea-Caspian Pattern (NCP) was identified as a middle tropospheric dipole and its hydroclimatological implications have been sub... Read More about The merit of the North Sea-Caspian pattern in explaining climate variability in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Allometric relations between DBH and sapwood area for predicting stand transpiration: Lessons learned from the Quercus genus (2023)
Journal Article

Catchment-scale transpiration is commonly determined by the use of sap-flow sensors, and its quantification, which is critical for water and forest management, relies crucially on the total catchment’s sapwood area (As). Species-specific allometric r... Read More about Allometric relations between DBH and sapwood area for predicting stand transpiration: Lessons learned from the Quercus genus.

Drift and diffusion functions of historical time series and UKCP18 convection-permitting model outputs for Bristol and Filton (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

As global temperatures continue to rise and affect atmospheric dynamics, there is a growing need to develop methods for investigating the temporal evolution of climate fields. These methods are useful to quantify both short- and long-term changes, as... Read More about Drift and diffusion functions of historical time series and UKCP18 convection-permitting model outputs for Bristol and Filton.

Variations in bacteriological and physicochemical water quality characteristics of Asata River, Enugu, Nigeria (2023)
Journal Article

Background and Objective: Globally, river water remains an important source of water for drinking, domestic and other uses. This study aimed to assess the bacteriological and physicochemical properties of Asata River water. Materials and Methods: A... Read More about Variations in bacteriological and physicochemical water quality characteristics of Asata River, Enugu, Nigeria.