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Outputs (6)

Damage to and the destruction of the natural environment: Terraforming warfare in Gaza and the humanitarian imperative informing accountability for ecocentric crimes (2025)
Preprint / Working Paper

This contribution considers the significant and well-recorded environmental damage in Gaza, following Israel’s full-scale military operations that started in October 2023. It is argued that, in the absence of ecocentric legal frameworks, war crimes l... Read More about Damage to and the destruction of the natural environment: Terraforming warfare in Gaza and the humanitarian imperative informing accountability for ecocentric crimes.

Veganism’s anti-anthropocentric capacity: A critical analysis of the advocacy discourse of three prominent vegan organisations (2023)
Journal Article

Anthropocentrism has been identified as a root cause of nonhuman animal and intrahuman oppressions and the environmental crisis. Veganism has been celebrated as a philosophy and practice capable of undermining anthropocentrism, yet the anti-anthropoc... Read More about Veganism’s anti-anthropocentric capacity: A critical analysis of the advocacy discourse of three prominent vegan organisations.