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Outputs (14)

Designing, implementing and testing an intervention of affective intelligent agents in nursing virtual reality teaching simulations - A qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article

Emotions play an important role in human-computer interaction, but there is limited research on affective and emotional virtual agent design in the area of teaching simulations for healthcare provision. The purpose of this work is twofold: firstly, t... Read More about Designing, implementing and testing an intervention of affective intelligent agents in nursing virtual reality teaching simulations - A qualitative study.

Brixham Immersed (2023)
Exhibition / Performance

This immersive experience for MetaQuest presents a combination of still point cloud renders of public and hidden spaces captured with LiDAR cameras that are brought to life by 2nd Order Ambisonic (Core Octomic) and spot field recordings (conventional... Read More about Brixham Immersed.

Understanding VR audiences (2022)
Book Chapter

Becoming an audience member in virtual reality can be a surreal experience; like entering a pocket reality, like finding Narnia in your wardrobe, like popping through a chalk painting on the pavement. Quite distinct from our relationship with big and... Read More about Understanding VR audiences.

Can you hear me now (2021)

Sound is one of the most evocative storytelling devices we have. Never more so than in immersive storytelling, where sound plays so many key roles in the construction of narrative, the creation of presence, the development of an emotional landscape a... Read More about Can you hear me now.