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Outputs (20)

Securing the state in post transition Tunisia: Reconfiguring regime legitimacy in an age of authoritarian neoliberalism (2023)

In this thesis I aim to answer the question as to how, following the fall of the Ben Ali regime, in January 2011, successive post-transition governments have sought to reconfigure their claims to legitimacy and the role security politics has played i... Read More about Securing the state in post transition Tunisia: Reconfiguring regime legitimacy in an age of authoritarian neoliberalism.

Veganism’s anti-anthropocentric capacity: A critical analysis of the advocacy discourse of three prominent vegan organisations (2023)
Journal Article

Anthropocentrism has been identified as a root cause of nonhuman animal and intrahuman oppressions and the environmental crisis. Veganism has been celebrated as a philosophy and practice capable of undermining anthropocentrism, yet the anti-anthropoc... Read More about Veganism’s anti-anthropocentric capacity: A critical analysis of the advocacy discourse of three prominent vegan organisations.

Post-war UK transport policy and the Mini Cooper S (2021)
Newspaper / Magazine

The strange story of Minister of Transport Ernest Marples, Chairman of British Railways Board Dr Richard Beeching, the Mini Cooper S and the decimation of Britain's passenger carrying railways from 1963