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Outputs (360)

Pervasive screens: Transforming the consumption of cinema history with the Curzon Heritage App (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper presents a practice-based research project based at the Curzon Community Cinema, Clevedon, home of the Curzon Collection, an archive of cinema projectors donated by the Projected Picture Trust. The original cinema was built in 1912 and is... Read More about Pervasive screens: Transforming the consumption of cinema history with the Curzon Heritage App.

Co-creative design (2009)
Book Chapter

This paper is concerned with the need to understand creativity both as a general feature of cultural change (associated with the processes of cultural promiscuity and hybridisation), and as a form of cultural capital used in strategies of social dist... Read More about Co-creative design.

Co-creative production (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This presentation makes a number of proposals about how the current notion of 'co-creativity' (associated with the impact of digital media) supports new approaches to the analysis of visual culture and methodologies in media studies.

Co-creative design (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper is concerned with the need to understand creativity both as a general feature of cultural change (associated with the processes of cultural promiscuity and hybridisation), and as a form of cultural capital used in strategies of scoail dist... Read More about Co-creative design.

Intellectual capital, the knowledge economy, and the 'democratisation' of creative production (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper makes a series of observations which together suggest that, in the C21st, intellectual work needs to be understood as a means of participation in cultural life, and that the notion of the intellectual as a cultural leader has become obsole... Read More about Intellectual capital, the knowledge economy, and the 'democratisation' of creative production.