Dr Charlotte Crofts Charlotte.Crofts@uwe.ac.uk
Professor in Film and Journalism
The Projection Hero installation operates as part of the Curzon Memories App or a stand alone exhibit. It comprises of a rabbit hutch-sized miniature cinema, with velvet and gold brocade curtains and hand-carved seats which can be operated via your mobile phone. When the QR code on the cinema screen is scanned (either from within the App, or by any QR SCanner on any smart phone) an interface appears which enables you to manipulate the cinema by dimming the lights, opening the tabs and playing the movie. The movies which are played all celebrate the art of cinema projection, featuring Maurice Thornton and Pete Stamp, projectionists from the Curzon Community Cinema, Clevedon. The project pilots the use of the mobile phone to manipulate real-world objects using QR Codes, the Internet and Arduino circuitry. The first iteration was demonstrated on 14 July and the second iteration was exhibited publicly at the 'Mad Hackers' Tea Party' open studio exhibition at BV STudios, Bristol 15-18 Sept 2011. The final iteration will be released in time for the launch of the Curzon Memories App and the Curzon's centenary year in Jan 2012.
Physical Artefact Type | Artefact |
Publicly Available Date | Jun 8, 2019 |
Keywords | projection hero, Curzon Memories App, mobile technologies, creative technologies, locative media, pervasive media, arduino, QR Codes, cinema history, cinema buildings, cinema history, film projection, digital projection, 35mm projection |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/959659 |
Related Public URLs | http://curzonproject.wordpress.com http://www.eyefullproductions.co.uk/curzon/projectionhero.html |
(416 Kb)
Raising Cary Grant, The Bristol Footsteps of Archie Leach
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Walking in Cary Grant's footsteps: The looking for Archie walking tour
Book Chapter
Coming or going?: Angela Carter’s itinerant subjectivity in “The Quilt Maker”
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Angela Carter’s place-making: memorialising an iconoclast?
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