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The perception of blindness and its impact in the implementation of emotional support for sight loss in Mexico: A psycho-social study in rehabilitation centres (2024)

This research is the first psycho-social study to explore the perception of blindness and its impact on the implementation of emotional support for people with sight loss in rehabilitation centres in Mexico.
At an individual level the study deepens... Read More about The perception of blindness and its impact in the implementation of emotional support for sight loss in Mexico: A psycho-social study in rehabilitation centres.

Navigating economic governance: German export and investment promotion between varieties of capitalism and multi-level governance (2023)

This thesis examines the German system of Export and Investment Promotion Agencies (EIPAs) using a combination of the Varieties of Capitalism (VOC) and Multi-Level Governance (MLG) approaches. It challenges the traditional application of VOC and usin... Read More about Navigating economic governance: German export and investment promotion between varieties of capitalism and multi-level governance.

Securing the state in post transition Tunisia: Reconfiguring regime legitimacy in an age of authoritarian neoliberalism (2023)

In this thesis I aim to answer the question as to how, following the fall of the Ben Ali regime, in January 2011, successive post-transition governments have sought to reconfigure their claims to legitimacy and the role security politics has played i... Read More about Securing the state in post transition Tunisia: Reconfiguring regime legitimacy in an age of authoritarian neoliberalism.

“None of us are islands”: A thematic analysis of navigating emotional engagement with climate change through social relationships (2023)

Background: Much existing research attempting to explain (in)action in the face of climate change constructs a false separation between individuals and society. A relational perspective is comparatively absent in existing research.
Aims: This quali... Read More about “None of us are islands”: A thematic analysis of navigating emotional engagement with climate change through social relationships.

Exploring community mental health clinicians lived experiences of reflective practice during a pandemic using an interpretative phenomenological analysis (2023)

Background and aims
Reflective practice is a core competency for clinicians in their clinical practice, it allows a space for clinicians to develop their in-depth thinking about work activity with the aim of developing as a practitioner.
The key a... Read More about Exploring community mental health clinicians lived experiences of reflective practice during a pandemic using an interpretative phenomenological analysis.

Exploring the experiences of sexual violence/abuse survivors attending a recovery group: A qualitative study of recovery and evaluation implications (2023)
Journal Article

Sexual violence/abuse (SV/A) is increasingly recognized requiring improved, evidence-based treatments. Delivery of group-based support in survivor services is common but often lacks evaluation. This qualitative study explored how survivors experience... Read More about Exploring the experiences of sexual violence/abuse survivors attending a recovery group: A qualitative study of recovery and evaluation implications.

Exploring the lived experience of individuals with primarily obsessional obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): A qualitative study focusing on relationships and help-seeking (2023)

There has been little research focused specifically on individuals experiencing primarily obsessional obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Primarily obsessional OCD is typically characterised by unwanted thoughts of a sexual, violent, or blasphemous... Read More about Exploring the lived experience of individuals with primarily obsessional obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): A qualitative study focusing on relationships and help-seeking.

“I just feel like a constant mistake” How do young people with mental health problems and substance use manage difficult emotions?: An IPA study (2023)

This study explores the way young people who experience both substance use and mental health problems make sense of their emotion management. Research shows that this group experience poorer outcomes than peers who report only one of the two issues,... Read More about “I just feel like a constant mistake” How do young people with mental health problems and substance use manage difficult emotions?: An IPA study.