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The uber disruption: Assessing the impact of digitisation on local transport

Carruthers, Janet; Parry, Glenn; Wood, Zena


Glenn Parry
Associate Lecturer - BAM

Zena Wood


This Research Summit brings together leading researchers, policy professionals and businesses with an interest in cutting-edge evidence, big data methods, entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth. It is organised by Readie, Europe’s Research Alliance for a Digital Economy. Partners include Nesta, Google, rkw, Nemode and Greenwich University.

Policy and business leaders are urgently trying to understand how digital technologies are changing Europe’s economy. How can digitalisation be turned into an opportunity for businesses and entrepreneurs? What cutting-edge research currently exists? And critically, how can researchers, businesses and policy-makers collaborate to set Europe’s Digital Economy on the right course?

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name Research Summit: What drives Europe's digital economy?
Start Date Mar 21, 2016
End Date Mar 22, 2016
Acceptance Date Mar 21, 2016
Publication Date Jan 1, 2016
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords transport, digitisation, uber
Public URL
Additional Information Title of Conference or Conference Proceedings : Research Summit: What drives the Digital Economy