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The Therapist’s Experience of the Therapeutic Relationship at the Time of Termination

Fragkiadaki, Eva; Triliva, Sofia


Eva Fragkiadaki
Senior Lecturer in Counselling Psychology

Sofia Triliva


Phillip T. Fenton


The therapeutic relationship is an odd and unusual relationship. Both therapists and patients invest a great deal of time and become parts of each others’ lives in an atypical manner. From the very outset of this relational encounter, therapists are very cognizant that the relationship will end. A ‘good’ ending is one that can be considered mutual. Upon termination of the therapeutic undertaking, the relationship dynamics change and from symbols therapists become real persons. This concept of the “bizarre” therapeutic relationship will be elaborated in the current paper. Data are drawn from the first author’s doctoral research (Fragkiadaki & Strauss, 2012). Termination is deemed by the participants of this qualitative study as a time of change and transformation when the therapeutic alliance is a positive one and there is a strong bond in the encounter. Therapists self-disclose and the transference is ‘resolved’ at the time of the ending. The issue of the therapeutic relationship becoming a real relationship at the time of termination will be discussed in the conclusions.

Publication Date Jun 2, 2014
Deposit Date Sep 12, 2019
Pages 185-206
Book Title Psychoanalytic Theory: Perspectives, Techniques and Social Implications
Chapter Number 7
ISBN 978-1-63321-312-8
Public URL