Engaging the public about sexual abuse: Increasing professional engagement with communities & the media
Presentation / Conference Contribution
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The fragmented social and the episodicity of everyday life in Kontroll (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Research seminar on Nimrod Antal's film about contemporary anomie
Happiness and the emigration decision
Happy people are healthier and more creative, productive, and sociable. Because of these positive effects of happiness, it is in the interest of countries to attract and retain happy people. With respect to the decision to migrate, the central questi... Read More about Happiness and the emigration decision.
Inner space (2014)
Book Chapter
Critical overview of sf films exploring the destabilisation of human identity.
Women into film - writing and directing for the screen (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
A day long workshop for women. I gave a talk about my own works and screened some of my films. The rest of the day was spent making two short films from script to screen.
Systematic review of thermoplastic masks versus alternative immobilisation methods in head and neck irradiation (2014)
Journal Article
Is a thermoplastic mask versus an alternative immobilisation effective in increasing reproducibility and comfort in head and neck patients receiving radiotherapy?
Film (2014)
Book Chapter
A critical overview of critical-theoretical understandings of sf film, especially those promulgated by critics devoted to sf as a prose fiction form. It also considers adaptation, spectacle and special effects.
Bootstrapping a robot's kinematic model (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
We present a system that is able to autonomously build a 3D model of a robot's hand, along with a kinematic model of the robot's arm, beginning with very little information. The system starts by using exploratory motions to locate and centre the robo... Read More about Bootstrapping a robot's kinematic model.
Not researching where we grew up (2014)
Book Chapter
Hybrid force-motion control of coordinated robots interacting with unknown environments (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
© 2014 Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS). This paper presents a unified framework for system design and control in cooperative robotic systems. It introduces a highly general cooperative system configuration involving any number of m... Read More about Hybrid force-motion control of coordinated robots interacting with unknown environments.
Euro‐vision of energy trade with Russia: Current problems and future prospects for EU solidarity in energy trade (2014)
Journal Article
This article provides an analysis of the legal framework against which the energy trade between the European Union (EU) and the Russian Federation (Russia) has been conducted. In doing so the EU’s ability and duty to operate its external energy trade... Read More about Euro‐vision of energy trade with Russia: Current problems and future prospects for EU solidarity in energy trade.
Mobility practices of the urban poor in Ahmedabad (India) (2014)
Urban poverty, a prominent issue in the rapidly urbanising developing world, consists of many interrelated aspects in poor people’s lives. One such aspect is accessibility, which determines the crucial links between housing, labour markets... Read More about Mobility practices of the urban poor in Ahmedabad (India).
Who or what is to blame for deaths in custody? (2014)
Journal Article
Toby Harris' inquiry into deaths in custody will focus on the 'vulnerabilities' of those who have died rather than the increasingly harsh conditions inside prisons, argues JM Moore.
Community engagement with sexual offenders; Research and evidence (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
This lecture delivered by Kieran Mccartan will examine the community management of sexual offenders in the UK and how this is impacted by the changing role of the state, public attitudes to sex offenders and emerging research into prevention/public h... Read More about Community engagement with sexual offenders; Research and evidence.
Developing evidence-based policy in sex offender working (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Introduction to The Year of the Sex Olympics (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Introduction to Nigel Kneale's sf television dramas. Part of Future Visions from Post-War Britain: Nigel Kneale, The Cube, 16 October 2014
How to use thematic analysis with interview data (process research) (2014)
Book Chapter
This chapter introduces you to thematic analysis (TA), one of the many methods of analysis for qualitative research. Qualitative research, like all research, begins with a research question. In contrast to quantitative research, in which the research... Read More about How to use thematic analysis with interview data (process research).
Bhaskar and critical realism (2014)
Book Chapter
What can "thematic analysis" offer health and wellbeing researchers? (2014)
Journal Article
Mark my words: Discursive central banking in crisis (2014)
Book Chapter
Energy and carbon implications of water saving micro-components and greywater reuse systems (2014)
Book Chapter
Chapter in Alternative Water Supply Systems
Alternative water supply systems (2014)
Owing to climate change related uncertainties and anticipated population growth, different parts of the developing and the developed world (particularly urban areas) are experiencing water shortages or flooding and security of fit-for-purpose supplie... Read More about Alternative water supply systems.
Incentivising and charging for rainwater harvesting – Three international perspectives (2014)
Book Chapter
Chapter in Alternative Water Supply Systems
Towards collaborative approach? Investigating the regeneration of urban village in Guangzhou, China (2014)
Journal Article
Along with the green-land shortage and the low use efficiency of urban land as a result of rapid urban sprawl in the past three decades, the issue of urban regeneration has been recently brought to the governance agenda by the new leadership in China... Read More about Towards collaborative approach? Investigating the regeneration of urban village in Guangzhou, China.
On the applicability of trapped vortices to ground vehicles (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Over the last 20 years the University of the West of England (UWE) has developed policy, strategy and plans to address its environmental and sustainability impacts. The University identifies its role in education for sustainable development (ESD) as... Read More about Developing a holistic approach to implementing education for sustainable development across a higher educational institute: A longitudinal study of the University of the West of England, Bristol.
A panel-based prevalence study of self-reported self-harm in adolescents aged 13-18 in England (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
3D printed glass investment casting moulds (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Keynote at Material Matters 3D Printing Forum Conference, Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, Canada.
The aim of the research is to explore and understand the role of local councillors in local government. There are three dimensions that influence this role. The first is the tension between central and local government and the highly centralised pa... Read More about An examination of the role and views of elected councillors in the governance of growth areas and whether political differences play a part in decision making.
A framework for cloud-based context-aware information services for citizens in smart cities (2014)
Journal Article
© 2014 Khan et al.; licensee Springer. Background: In the context of smart cities, public participation and citizen science are key ingredients for informed and intelligent planning decisions and policy-making. However, citizens face a practical chal... Read More about A framework for cloud-based context-aware information services for citizens in smart cities.
ENGINEER: Evaluation and analysis of the project impact (2013)
An evaluation report analysing the impact of the EU funded ENGINEER project, intended to design and implement materials to promote engineering in primary schools across Europe through science and technology. The report examines impact on teaching and... Read More about ENGINEER: Evaluation and analysis of the project impact.
Diagnosis, management and assessment of adults with joint hypermobility syndrome: A UK-wide survey of physiotherapy practice (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Purpose: This study aimed to identify how Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS) is diagnosed, managed and assessed in routine physiotherapy practice.
Relevance: JHS is a heritable disorder associated with excessive joint range of motion and pain in the... Read More about Diagnosis, management and assessment of adults with joint hypermobility syndrome: A UK-wide survey of physiotherapy practice.
Section D1 powers of investigation, and section D2 the decision to prosecute and diversion (2014)
Book Chapter
Two sections of a standard text for judges, prosecutors and criminal lawyers on criminal law and procedure. It provides a practical and scholarly account of English criminal law, evidence and procedure. The book is written by a team of leading practi... Read More about Section D1 powers of investigation, and section D2 the decision to prosecute and diversion.
Foreword (2014)
Book Chapter
Convective stability of carbon sequestration in anisotropic porous media (2014)
Journal Article
© 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved. The stability of convection in an anisotropic porous medium, where the solute concentration is assumed to decay via a first-order chemical reaction, is studied. This is a simpl... Read More about Convective stability of carbon sequestration in anisotropic porous media.
Complete characterization of structure of rule 54 (2014)
Journal Article
The dynamics of rule 54 one-dimensional two-state cellular automaton (CA) are a discrete analog of a space-time dynamics of excitations in nonlinear active medium with mutual inhibition. A cell switches its state 0 to state 1 if one of its two neighb... Read More about Complete characterization of structure of rule 54.
'Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works (Gordon Gekko, Wall Street, 1987)’. A contemporary review of the relationship between the global financial crisis, financial crime and white collar criminals’ (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
This lecture seeks to highlight the link between the 2008 financial crisis and white collar crime. Specific reference is made to the United States of America and the United Kingdom.
Developing public support for human rights in the United Kingdom: Reasserting the importance of socio-economic rights (2014)
Journal Article
© 2014 Taylor & Francis. Public support for human rights in the UK remains limited, partly as a result of misleading media coverage, as well as political hostility. The UK Human Rights Act, in particular, has been under sustained attack and is now... Read More about Developing public support for human rights in the United Kingdom: Reasserting the importance of socio-economic rights.
To investigate if problem-solving activity, not used in the UK, could support UK adolescent’s living with diabetes to improve self-management of their condition leading to improvements in self-care and glycaemic control when delivered alongside usual... Read More about Does the inclusion of a problem-solving component to standard care improve concordance with the self-management programme for adolescents living with diabetes?.
Reflections on School Direct (2014)
Journal Article
Following on from her article in the summer 2014 issue of Teaching Geography, Rebecca reflects on her year as a School Direct trainee teacher. Her PGCE tutor, Mark, adds his reflections on this Initial Teacher Training route.
Development and initial validation of the Bristol impact of hypermobility questionnaire (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aim of Investigation: Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JHS) is a heritable disorder associated with excessive joint range of motion and pain in the absence of inflammatory joint disease. Symptomatic joint hypermobility has been reported to affect approx... Read More about Development and initial validation of the Bristol impact of hypermobility questionnaire.
Turtle geometry the Python way (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
An introduction to coding using Python’s on-screen ‘turtle’ that can be commanded with a few simple instructions including forward, backward, left and right. The turtle leaves a trace that can be used to draw geometric figures. This workshop is aimed... Read More about Turtle geometry the Python way.
Managing sex offenders in the UK: Challenges for policy and practice (2014)
Book Chapter
Preface (2014)
Book Chapter
Degrees of masculinity: Working and middle-class undergraduate students’ constructions of masculine identities (2014)
Book Chapter
Exploring the current perceived ‘crisis of masculinity’ and what might be seen as its opposing stance, that society now facilitates more inclusive forms of masculinity, this chapter considers research with young undergraduate men from working-class a... Read More about Degrees of masculinity: Working and middle-class undergraduate students’ constructions of masculine identities.
Investigation of the mixed-mode delamination in polymer-matrix composites using acoustic emission technique (2014)
Journal Article
© The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav. This paper is a novel application of acoustic emission (AE) technique to investigate the actual occurring modes of delamination damage (i.e. mode I, mode II and the... Read More about Investigation of the mixed-mode delamination in polymer-matrix composites using acoustic emission technique.