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Alternative water supply systems

Memon, FA; Ward, S


FA Memon

S Ward


Owing to climate change related uncertainties and anticipated population growth, different parts of the developing and the developed world (particularly urban areas) are experiencing water shortages or flooding and security of fit-for-purpose supplies is becoming a major issue. The emphasis on decentralized alternative water supply systems has increased considerably. Most of the information on such systems is either scattered or focuses on large scale reuse with little consideration given to decentralized small to medium scale systems. Alternative Water Supply Systems brings together recent research into the available and innovative options and additionally shares experiences from a wide range of contexts from both developed and developing countries.

Book Type Authored Book
Publication Date Oct 15, 2014
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 1
ISBN 9781780405506
Keywords developing countries, water resources/environment, water supply and treatment
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