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Outputs (65)

Assessment of policy-society interface to increase female participation: A study of aerospace engineering in the Maldives (2023)

This study aims to identify and analyse the various factors leading to low female participation in Maldivian aerospace industry and discuss the policies required to improve this sector. Using a qualitative method, data from both male and female aeros... Read More about Assessment of policy-society interface to increase female participation: A study of aerospace engineering in the Maldives.

Correct for the wrong reason: Why we should know more about mathematical common student errors in e-assessment questions (2023)
Journal Article

Students may arrive at an incorrect answer when answering a mathematical question due to several reasons, such as random errors, calculation errors or misreading the question. Such errors are sometimes referred to as Common Student Errors (CSEs). Thi... Read More about Correct for the wrong reason: Why we should know more about mathematical common student errors in e-assessment questions.

Cosmopolitan legal education: From Irnerius and the Westphalian paradigm to the modern law school (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The law school has not always been one that would be predominantly engaged with national legal matter. The subject of law, as a field of learning, has for a number of centuries been the toy of national educational systems, because law has been the to... Read More about Cosmopolitan legal education: From Irnerius and the Westphalian paradigm to the modern law school.

Conditions for play (2022)
Physical Artefact

This co-created Manifesto poster/print is the physical output of qualitative data collected by asking UWE Arts and Design students at City Campus this question:

"What does play mean to you in your creative practice?"

Responses were gathered a... Read More about Conditions for play.

Programme evolution, success factors and key challenges: The case of Team Entrepreneurship at UWE, Bristol (2022)
Book Chapter

UWE was a pioneer in the UK launching and implementing a Team Entrepreneurship undergraduate degree in 2013. Since then, the programme has been adapting and restructuring considering the feedback obtained from educators, partners and students. This c... Read More about Programme evolution, success factors and key challenges: The case of Team Entrepreneurship at UWE, Bristol.

Sustainable engineering higher education in Oman-lessons learned from the pandemic (COVID-19), improvements, and suggestions in the teaching, learning and administrative framework (2022)
Journal Article

This research study has investigated the challenges faced due to the pandemic (COVID-19). This paper further provides recommendations that can be adopted by academics, learners, and administrators to make the education system more robust and sustaina... Read More about Sustainable engineering higher education in Oman-lessons learned from the pandemic (COVID-19), improvements, and suggestions in the teaching, learning and administrative framework.

Supporting the role of universities in leading individual and societal transformation through education for sustainable development (2021)
Journal Article

There is growing recognition of the value of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for all learners, and of the unique role that universities play in the transformation of individuals, institutions and societies towards more sustainable futures... Read More about Supporting the role of universities in leading individual and societal transformation through education for sustainable development.

Parental engagement research report (2021)

A report offering insight into parental engagement with higher education opportunities across Bristol and strategies for improving parent-carer focused higher education resources and outreach events.