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Outputs (65)

A comparative study of prior learning for serving police officers in Canada and England and Wales, UK: Bridging the academic gap (2021)
Journal Article

The professionalisation of the police in Canada, and England and Wales has highlighted a gap in the education levels of new recruits and current serving police officers, motivating many of these officers
to complete a university degree. The prior ex... Read More about A comparative study of prior learning for serving police officers in Canada and England and Wales, UK: Bridging the academic gap.

Academic dishonesty and research productivity in a changing higher education environment. The case of India’s engineering institutions (2021)
Journal Article

The Indian academic system is in a period of rapid transition, evidenced by the increasing number of higher education institutions, students and academics. However, very few studies have explored academics’ research productivity and the various facto... Read More about Academic dishonesty and research productivity in a changing higher education environment. The case of India’s engineering institutions.

Socially-Driven Enterprise Education: Exploring the effectiveness of socially-driven projects in developing students’ enterprise skills (2020)

The growing interest in social enterprise has arguably changed the enterprise education landscape with HEIs increasingly embedding social enterprise into accredited programmes and developing extracurricular activities aimed at engendering social entr... Read More about Socially-Driven Enterprise Education: Exploring the effectiveness of socially-driven projects in developing students’ enterprise skills.

A report on key achievements realizing thematic objectives of the international decade for people of African descent (2020)

2015-2024 International Decade for People of African Descent (IDPAD) was launched at the United Nations Headquarters, New York in September 2014, by representatives of UN member states, international civil society and other stakeholders. This report... Read More about A report on key achievements realizing thematic objectives of the international decade for people of African descent.

Communities of Practice in the first-year business classroom: developing students’ meta-cognition for employability through modelling against future selves (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

As TEF core metrics place growing focus on graduate employability as a determinant of UK universities’ success, universities seek increasing collaboration with employers. This paper explores the impact of a doctoral Action Research (AR) project devel... Read More about Communities of Practice in the first-year business classroom: developing students’ meta-cognition for employability through modelling against future selves.

Exploring the impact of socially driven projects in developing students’ enterprise skills (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The growing interest in social enterprise has arguably changed the enterprise education landscape with HEIs increasingly embedding social enterprise into accredited programmes and developing extracurricular activities aimed at engendering social entr... Read More about Exploring the impact of socially driven projects in developing students’ enterprise skills.

ICT Sustainability from Day One: Introducing New Computer Science Students at a UK University to Sustainability (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

As ICT impacts dramatically on the sustainability of the world and of individuals, both positive and negative, there is an urgent need to educate Computer Science students about Sustainability. This paper assesses the experience of a project to intro... Read More about ICT Sustainability from Day One: Introducing New Computer Science Students at a UK University to Sustainability.