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Improving representation of female researchers in peer review and publishing

Fogg Rogers, Laura

Improving representation of female researchers in peer review and publishing Thumbnail


Profile image of Laura Fogg Rogers

Dr Laura Fogg Rogers
Associate Professor of Knowledge Exchange in Engineering


There is a significant under-representation of women in STEM research which is damaging societal progress for democratic, utilitarian and equity reasons. Academic grants and publishing are a key part of the problem as peer review is conducted for free on top of research workloads – meaning this form of academic service may be neglected by women. Decisions on academic merit are then often made by men. Schemes such as Athena SWAN in academia are aiming to change these structural disadvantages to enable more women to progress in Higher Education – could journals learn from this?

In this Plenary presentation, Fogg-Rogers asked if journal publishing could learn from Athena SWAN to improve structural access for women to research publications? She explored structural barriers affecting women such as additional service time and home responsibilities, lack of scholarly activity time, voluntary editorship, and peer review dominated by men. Audiences should think about how structural changes could be made to improve access to publishing for women.

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name Research to Reader
Start Date Feb 23, 2020
End Date Feb 24, 2020
Deposit Date May 5, 2020
Publicly Available Date May 11, 2020
Public URL
Publisher URL


Fogg-Rogers 2020 Improving Representation Of Female Researchers In Peer Review And Publishing (2.9 Mb)

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