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Two novel Raoultella species associated with bleeding cankers of broadleaf hosts, Raoultella scottia sp. nov. and Raoultella lignicola sp. nov. (2024)
Journal Article

Seventeen Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic bacterial strains were isolated from bleeding cankers of various broadleaf hosts and oak rhizosphere soil in Great Britain. The strains were tentatively identified as belonging to the genus Raoultella... Read More about Two novel Raoultella species associated with bleeding cankers of broadleaf hosts, Raoultella scottia sp. nov. and Raoultella lignicola sp. nov..

First report of Brenneria goodwinii, Gibbsiella quercinecans and Rahnella victoriana in declining oaks in France (2024)
Journal Article

Acute Oak Decline, Quercus petraea, Quercus robur Acute Oak Decline (AOD) is mediated by abiotic factors (temperature and precipitation) and triggered by insects (mainly the bark-boring beetle Agrilus biguttatus) and a complex of bacterial species (m... Read More about First report of Brenneria goodwinii, Gibbsiella quercinecans and Rahnella victoriana in declining oaks in France.

Rahnella (2024)
Book Chapter

Rahnella species are ubiquitous in the environment, regularly isolated from water, soil, and woody tree hosts as well as occasionally from human clinical samples. Cells are Gram stain negative, facultatively anaerobic, and motile rods. Species are ps... Read More about Rahnella.

Reliable and specific detection and identification of Brenneria goodwinii, the causal agent of oak and oriental beech decline (2024)
Journal Article

Chestnut-leaved oak (Quercus castaneifolia) and oriental beech (Fagus orientalis) are among the major tree species in the Hyrcanian forests. Brenneria goodwinii was identified as the causal agent of necrotic lesions and stem bleeding on affected oak... Read More about Reliable and specific detection and identification of Brenneria goodwinii, the causal agent of oak and oriental beech decline.

Association of Dryocola boscaweniae, Gibbsiella greigii and Gibbsiella quercinecans with oak decline in Iran (2024)
Journal Article

Tree decline is described as the loss in tree vigor and increased mortality initiated by climate change events, and also involves pathogens and pests. Stem bleeding and bark canker of oak (Quercus castaneifolia) were observed in Mazandaran and Golest... Read More about Association of Dryocola boscaweniae, Gibbsiella greigii and Gibbsiella quercinecans with oak decline in Iran.

Kosakonia (2024)
Book Chapter

Species within the genus Kosakonia are primarily plant-growth-promoting bacteria, able to fix nitrogen and improve crop yield. However, several species have also been isolated from clinical samples and are thought to cause rare incidences of disease.... Read More about Kosakonia.

Lelliottia (2024)
Book Chapter

The genus Lelliottia includes species regularly isolated from water, soil, spoiled fruit and vegetables, elm trees suffering from “wetwood” disease, and also from clinical samples. Cells are Gram-stain-negative, facultatively anaerobic, motile rods.... Read More about Lelliottia.

Pluralibacter (2023)
Book Chapter

Pluralibacter species are regularly isolated from clinical samples, cosmetics, environmental sources including water, and vegetables and cereals as well as pear trees suffering from brown leaf spot disease. Cells are Gram-negative, facultatively anae... Read More about Pluralibacter.

Description of Dryocola gen. nov. and two novel species, Dryocola boscaweniae sp. nov. and Dryocola clanedunensis sp. nov. isolated from the rhizosphere of native British oaks (2023)
Journal Article

While investigating the role of the rhizosphere in the development of Acute Oak Decline, bacterial strains belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae were isolated from rhizosphere soil following enrichment for the Enterobacterales. Partial sequencin... Read More about Description of Dryocola gen. nov. and two novel species, Dryocola boscaweniae sp. nov. and Dryocola clanedunensis sp. nov. isolated from the rhizosphere of native British oaks.

Akutno odumiranje hrastova (AOH) – nova kompleksna bolest na hrastu crniki (Quercus ilex L.) i mogućnosti širenja na ostale vrste hrastova u Hrvatskoj (2022)
Journal Article

U radu se prikazuje pregled dosadašnjih saznanja o Akutnom odumiranju hrastova (AOH), u svijetu opisanom kao AOD (Acute oak decline). Ova polimikrobna bolest je nedavno otkrivena u Hrvatskoj (2021. godine) na poluotoku Pelegrin (otok Hvar), gdje se n... Read More about Akutno odumiranje hrastova (AOH) – nova kompleksna bolest na hrastu crniki (Quercus ilex L.) i mogućnosti širenja na ostale vrste hrastova u Hrvatskoj.

Brenneria tiliae sp. nov., isolated from symptomatic Tilia × moltkei and Tilia × europaea trees in the UK (2022)
Journal Article

Several strains of a previously undescribed bacterial species were isolated from mature Tilia hybrid trees suffering from bleed-ing cankers at various geographic locations in the UK. The strains were Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, and partia... Read More about Brenneria tiliae sp. nov., isolated from symptomatic Tilia × moltkei and Tilia × europaea trees in the UK.

Lonsdalea (2022)
Book Chapter

The genus Lonsdalea comprises species isolated from bacterial cankers of woody hosts including oak, poplar and willow. Cells are Gram-negative, facultativley anaerobic, motile, short rods which appear singly or rarely in pairs. Species are mesophili... Read More about Lonsdalea.

Gibbsiella (2022)
Book Chapter

The genus Gibbsiella includes species isolated from bacterial cankers of woody hosts including oak, walnut, olive, pear and apple trees, as well as oral cavities of bears and intestinal tracts of insects. Cells are Gram-negative, facultatively anaer... Read More about Gibbsiella.

Brenneria goodwinii growth in vitro is improved by competitive interactions with other bacterial species associated with Acute Oak Decline (2021)
Journal Article

Brenneria goodwinii, Rahnella victoriana and Gibbsiella quercinecans are three bacterial species frequently isolated together from oak displaying symptoms of Acute Oak Decline (AOD), which include weeping patches on trunks. All three bacterial specie... Read More about Brenneria goodwinii growth in vitro is improved by competitive interactions with other bacterial species associated with Acute Oak Decline.

Brenneria (2021)
Book Chapter

The genus Brenneria was created to accommodate bacteria causing disease on woody hosts. Species cause a range of cankers, wilts and necroses on willow, oak, alder, walnut and are also associated with disease-causing species of Lonsdalea. Cells are Gr... Read More about Brenneria.

Pseudomonas kirkiae sp. nov., a novel species isolated from oak in the United Kingdom, and phylogenetic considerations of the genera Pseudomonas, Azotobacter and Azomonas (2020)
Journal Article

As the current episode of Acute Oak Decline (AOD) continues to affect native British oak in the United Kingdom, ongoing isola-tions from symptomatic and healthy oak have yielded a large Pseudomonas species population. These strains could be divided i... Read More about Pseudomonas kirkiae sp. nov., a novel species isolated from oak in the United Kingdom, and phylogenetic considerations of the genera Pseudomonas, Azotobacter and Azomonas.

Pseudomonas daroniae sp. nov. and Pseudomonas dryadis sp. nov., isolated from pedunculate oak affected by acute oak decline in the UK (2019)
Journal Article

Twenty-two cream-coloured bacterial strains were isolated from oak trees affected by acute oak decline (AOD) in Southern England. Isolates were Gram-negative, motile, slightly curved rods, aerobic, non-spore-forming, catalase positive and oxidase pos... Read More about Pseudomonas daroniae sp. nov. and Pseudomonas dryadis sp. nov., isolated from pedunculate oak affected by acute oak decline in the UK.

Description of Brenneria roseae sp. nov. and two subspecies, Brenneria roseae subspecies roseae ssp. nov and Brenneria roseae subspecies americana ssp. nov. isolated from symptomatic oak (2014)
Journal Article

Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic bacteria were isolated from symptomatic oak tissue in the UK and USA. Partial gyrB sequencing placed ten strains in the genus Brenneria, with B. goodwinii as the closest phylogenetic relative. The strains were i... Read More about Description of Brenneria roseae sp. nov. and two subspecies, Brenneria roseae subspecies roseae ssp. nov and Brenneria roseae subspecies americana ssp. nov. isolated from symptomatic oak.

Taxonomic evaluation of the genus Enterobacter based on multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA): Proposal to reclassify E. nimipressuralis and E. amnigenus into Lelliottia gen. nov. as Lelliottia nimipressuralis comb. nov. and Lelliottia amnigena comb. nov., respectively, E. gergoviae and E. pyrinus into Pluralibacter gen. nov. as Pluralibacter gergoviae comb. nov. and Pluralibacter pyrinus comb. nov., respectively, E. cowanii, E. radicincitans, E. oryzae and E. arachidis into Kosakonia gen. nov. as Kosakonia cowanii comb. nov., Kosakonia radicincitans comb. nov., Kosakonia oryzae comb. nov. and Kosakonia arachidis comb. nov., respectively, and E. turicensis, E. helveticus and E. pulveris into Cronobacter as Cronobacter zurichensis nom. nov., Cronobacter helveticus comb. nov. and Cronobacter pulveris comb. nov., respectively, and emended description of the genera Enterobacter and Cronobacter (2013)
Journal Article

The taxonomy of Enterobacter has a complicated history, with several species transferred to and from this genus. Classification of strains is difficult owing to its polyphyletic nature, based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. It has been previously acknowl... Read More about Taxonomic evaluation of the genus Enterobacter based on multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA): Proposal to reclassify E. nimipressuralis and E. amnigenus into Lelliottia gen. nov. as Lelliottia nimipressuralis comb. nov. and Lelliottia amnigena comb. nov., respectively, E. gergoviae and E. pyrinus into Pluralibacter gen. nov. as Pluralibacter gergoviae comb. nov. and Pluralibacter pyrinus comb. nov., respectively, E. cowanii, E. radicincitans, E. oryzae and E. arachidis into Kosakonia gen. nov. as Kosakonia cowanii comb. nov., Kosakonia radicincitans comb. nov., Kosakonia oryzae comb. nov. and Kosakonia arachidis comb. nov., respectively, and E. turicensis, E. helveticus and E. pulveris into Cronobacter as Cronobacter zurichensis nom. nov., Cronobacter helveticus comb. nov. and Cronobacter pulveris comb. nov., respectively, and emended description of the genera Enterobacter and Cronobacter.

Pantoea rodasii sp. nov., Pantoea rwandensis sp. nov. and Pantoea wallisii sp. nov., isolated from Eucalyptus (2012)
Journal Article

Several Gram-negative-staining, facultatively anaerobic bacterial isolates were obtained from Eucalyptus seedlings showing symptoms of bacterial blight and dieback in Colombia, Rwanda and South Africa. Partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing, together with... Read More about Pantoea rodasii sp. nov., Pantoea rwandensis sp. nov. and Pantoea wallisii sp. nov., isolated from Eucalyptus.

Hydrocarbon degradation, plant colonization and gene expression of alkane degradation genes by endophytic Enterobacter ludwigii strains (2011)
Journal Article

The genus Enterobacter comprises a range of beneficial plant-associated bacteria showing plant growth promotion. Enterobacter ludwigii belongs to the Enterobacter cloacae complex and has been reported to include human pathogens but also plant-associa... Read More about Hydrocarbon degradation, plant colonization and gene expression of alkane degradation genes by endophytic Enterobacter ludwigii strains.

Isolation of Enterobacter cowanii from Eucalyptus showing symptoms of bacterial blight and dieback in Uruguay (2009)
Journal Article

Aims: This study was performed to identify bacterial strains isolated simultaneously with Pantoea species from Eucalyptus trees showing symptoms of bacterial blight and dieback in Uruguay. Methods and Results: Several molecular techniques including 1... Read More about Isolation of Enterobacter cowanii from Eucalyptus showing symptoms of bacterial blight and dieback in Uruguay.

Pantoea vagans sp. nov., Pantoea eucalypti sp. nov., Pantoea deleyi sp. nov. and Pantoea anthophila sp. nov (2009)
Journal Article

Bacteria isolated from eucalyptus leaves and shoots showing symptoms of blight and die-back collected in Uganda, Uruguay and Argentina and from maize displaying brown stalk rot symptoms in South Africa were tentatively placed in the genus Pantoea on... Read More about Pantoea vagans sp. nov., Pantoea eucalypti sp. nov., Pantoea deleyi sp. nov. and Pantoea anthophila sp. nov.

Phylogeny and identification of Pantoea species associated with plants, humans and the natural environment based on multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) (2008)
Journal Article

Species belonging to the genus of Pantoea are commonly isolated from plants, humans and the natural environment. The species of the genus are phenotypically closely related, making rapid identification of Pantoea strains to the species level difficul... Read More about Phylogeny and identification of Pantoea species associated with plants, humans and the natural environment based on multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA).

A FAFLP system for the improved identification of plant-pathogenic and plant-associated species of the genus Pantoea (2007)
Journal Article

The majority of Pantoea species are either plant-pathogenic or plant-associated and cause a wide variety of symptoms on a range of hosts. Identification of Pantoea species is difficult due to minor differences in phenotypic characteristics between th... Read More about A FAFLP system for the improved identification of plant-pathogenic and plant-associated species of the genus Pantoea.