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“Tell me a story and make me a picture”: Incorporating innovative visual methods in story completion design (2024)
Book Chapter

In this chapter we set out a novel use of story completion in our study of young people's understandings of sexuality and appearance. In our story completion design, we incorporated a visual element where participants were invited to produce a visual... Read More about “Tell me a story and make me a picture”: Incorporating innovative visual methods in story completion design.

From magical thinking to being ‘pragmagic’: Narratives of wellbeing in health and care in England (2024)
Book Chapter

Accounts of wellbeing are traditionally understood as ‘rooted in social, caring relationships and traditional virtues of compassion, altruism and duty’ (Cieslik, Not smiling but frowning’: Sociology and the ‘problem of happiness’. Sociology, 49(3), 4... Read More about From magical thinking to being ‘pragmagic’: Narratives of wellbeing in health and care in England.

The digital dis-intermediation and social re-intermediation of work and labour in India’s gig economy (2024)
Book Chapter

There is little doubt that we are gradually beginning to have a greater understanding of the platform-based gig economy model and its growing influence on work and labour around the world, and in the global South in particular. Existing accounts from... Read More about The digital dis-intermediation and social re-intermediation of work and labour in India’s gig economy.

Les fondements de l'esprit: Les schémas comme concept intégratif en psychologie et en psychothérapie (2024)
Book Chapter

Résumé Cet article décrit la construction théorique du schéma et son évolution à partir de la psychologie cognitive. Il identifie des propriétés intéressantes des schémas qui peuvent justifier la pratique de l'association libre. Compte tenu du rôle d... Read More about Les fondements de l'esprit: Les schémas comme concept intégratif en psychologie et en psychothérapie.

Counter terrorism measures in the classroom: The importance of professionalism, agency and autonomy when enacting the Prevent duty (2024)
Book Chapter

The Prevent policy was singular and “simple”: to prevent individuals from getting drawn into terrorism, to identify and stop this process before it begins. In the context of the global war on terror and the shadow of terrorist attacks in the USA and... Read More about Counter terrorism measures in the classroom: The importance of professionalism, agency and autonomy when enacting the Prevent duty.

Hierarchies of professionalism in interprofessional partnerships for inclusion: Mapping the role and professional identities of early years educators (2024)
Book Chapter

Despite the rhetoric emphasising partnership working there has been a dearth of research related to the educational practices that reify interprofessional partnerships for young children with special educational needs. This doctoral study examined th... Read More about Hierarchies of professionalism in interprofessional partnerships for inclusion: Mapping the role and professional identities of early years educators.

Home language literacy learning as an extracurricular activity by pupils and parents: Do the findings warrant a case for introducing home language policy for primary education in England? (2024)
Book Chapter

Despite the fact that almost two million learners in state-funded schools in England learn English as an additional language DfE (2020), there is no official policy for developing home languages (HL), even though the use of HL in classrooms for acade... Read More about Home language literacy learning as an extracurricular activity by pupils and parents: Do the findings warrant a case for introducing home language policy for primary education in England?.

The impact of symbolic violence on the perceived choices of trainee primary school teachers: A poetic perspective (2024)
Book Chapter

This chapter explores the theme of symbolic violence (Bourdieu, 2001; Thapar-Björkert et al., 2016), a central theme in my doctoral thesis.
My thesis looked at the experiences of a group of female undergraduate students in their first year of Initia... Read More about The impact of symbolic violence on the perceived choices of trainee primary school teachers: A poetic perspective.

Context, consciousness and caution: Teachers of history in England and the exploration of sensitive and controversial issues in practice (2024)
Book Chapter

This chapter is about primary and secondary school teachers of history in England, and how they negotiate policy in order to teach sensitive and controversial issues which feature as part of the history curriculum. We present research condu... Read More about Context, consciousness and caution: Teachers of history in England and the exploration of sensitive and controversial issues in practice.