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Community led housing, health and wellbeing: a comprehensive literature review (2023)
Journal Article
McClatchey, R., McClymont, K., Griffin, E., & Carmichael, L. (in press). Community led housing, health and wellbeing: a comprehensive literature review. International Journal of Housing Policy,

Community Led Housing (CLH) is an umbrella term encompassing several non-profit models of housing delivery, which is used internationally. There has been little comprehensive assessment of the health impacts of housing arrangements where people inten... Read More about Community led housing, health and wellbeing: a comprehensive literature review.

Community-led housing and health: a comprehensive literature review (2019)
Griffin, E., McClymont, K., Carmichael, L., & Marsh, R. (2019). Community-led housing and health: a comprehensive literature review. Power to Change

This report examines existing literature on the relationship between community-led housing (CLH) and health and wellbeing, with a particular focus on identifying what evidence is available and where future research may further strengthen this knowled... Read More about Community-led housing and health: a comprehensive literature review.