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Equine gait-related eliminations in British endurance: Identifying risk factors to improve horse welfare

Bloom, Fiona

Equine gait-related eliminations in British endurance: Identifying risk factors to improve horse welfare Thumbnail


Fiona Bloom


Introduction: Endurance is an equestrian sport where horse and rider combinations compete up to 160km in one day. In order to be successful within competition, horses must pass a metabolic and gait assessment by licenced veterinarians, not only at the start, but during and at the end of the competition. If they fail this inspection they are eliminated from competition. Lameness has been identified as the leading cause of elimination in studies of international-level competition but had not been evaluated in British Endurance.

Aim: To identify risk factors for lameness eliminations in British national competition, including details such as which limb(s) are most frequently identified as lame.

Methods: A retrospective epidemiological study followed by two prospective studies were conducted. First, competition data recorded by Endurance GB were analysed. Univariable analysis was used to inform two multivariable binary logistic regression models with the dichotomous variables pass/did not pass and lame/ not lame. These results informed the design of the prospective studies. The first determined whether there were significant differences between forelimb and hindlimb eliminations. The second prospective study investigated thoracolumbar back pain on palpation and tested inter-rater reliability of veterinary inspections for limb identification, lameness grade and epaxial muscle palpation.

Results: Retrospective study: Risk factors identified as significant (P<0.05) in the final multivariable models included historic cumulative distances attempted, historical number of starts, eliminations and specifically lameness eliminations.
Prospective studies: Technicality of the course in terms of steepness was an additional risk factor for single loop rides, whereas it was not for multi- loop rides. Increased average speed was a risk factor in multi-loop rides. Hindlimb lameness was identified more frequently than forelimb lameness. Asymmetrical back palpation was a significant risk factor for elimination and lameness across all distances. Inter-rater reliability of limb identification was excellent with 100% agreement between the assessors when two veterinarians were used (K=1, p<0.001, C.I.0.86-1.14) and remained excellent when three veterinarians identified the lame limb (K=0.83, p<0.001, C.I.0.75-0.9).

Conclusions: The results of this thesis considering British national level, agree with previous findings at international level, identifying lameness as the most common reason for elimination from competition. High cumulative distances, an increased number of starts and repeated eliminations are significant risk factors for gait-related elimination. Differences in risk factors exist between lower level competitions and higher distance competitions at National level. Palpation of the horse’s back during the veterinary inspection should be considered as an important component of the examination across all levels of competition.
While Further work is required to better understand the cause and effect relationship between back pain and lameness at competition. The High levels of inter-rater reliability in lame limb identification and thoracolumbar epaxial palpation reported should give confidence in the veterinary panel. Competitors in endurance should heed the veterinarians’ expert opinion to safeguard their horses’ welfare and the social licence to operate of the sport. Understanding and recognising risk factors for lameness in competition, by all stakeholders within the sport will protect the welfare of the horse as well as improve competitive performance, as ultimately, lame horses cannot win.


Bloom, F. Equine gait-related eliminations in British endurance: Identifying risk factors to improve horse welfare. (Thesis). University of the West of England. Retrieved from

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Feb 8, 2023
Publicly Available Date Sep 13, 2023
Keywords Endurance, Horse, Welfare, Lameness, Risk factors
Public URL
Award Date Sep 13, 2023


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