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Outputs (187)

Protection from indiscriminate violence in armed conflict: The scope of subsidiary protection in the European Union (2024)
Journal Article

The article discusses the relationship between subsidiary protection status granted to persons fleeing indiscriminate violence in armed conflicts under Article 15(c) of the EU Qualification Directive/Regulation and international humanitarian law. Thi... Read More about Protection from indiscriminate violence in armed conflict: The scope of subsidiary protection in the European Union.

Submission to inform Chile Declaration and Action Plan in the context of the Cartagena +40 multi-stakeholder pledge (2024)

Women in Refugee Law (WiRL)'s submission regarding the particular challenges that women refugees face in the Latin America and Caribbean region aims to inform the Cartagena +40 process and next ten-year action plan.

WiRL’s submission identified tw... Read More about Submission to inform Chile Declaration and Action Plan in the context of the Cartagena +40 multi-stakeholder pledge.

The search for order in a migration crisis world: On the EU’s biopolitics of racialised bordering and everyday struggles of migrants at Europe’s spaces (geographies) of exception (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The contemporary making of EU immigration law and policy shape and are shaped by the biopolitics of inclusive-exclusion that seeks to draw a binary line between the legal subjects of law (inclusion) and those excluded from the law’s protection (exclu... Read More about The search for order in a migration crisis world: On the EU’s biopolitics of racialised bordering and everyday struggles of migrants at Europe’s spaces (geographies) of exception.

Institutional and substantive responses to economic and transnational organised crime: An African regional perspective (2024)
Book Chapter

Corporate conduct can have devastating effects on the social, governance, and economic systems of states and regions. The drafters of the Malabo Protocol of the African Union opted to include corporate criminal liability as a mode of liability, thus... Read More about Institutional and substantive responses to economic and transnational organised crime: An African regional perspective.

Teaching EU Law using workbooks (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In this presentation we explain how the experience of teaching EU Law using workbooks during COVID could be useful for Ukrainian universities that are mostly delivering courses remotely.

Economic crime in war (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This presentation focuses on a largely unexplored area – economic crime in war. By highlighting key examples of how economic crime links to war, we aim to open the discussion on how to disrupt economic crime in war effectively. We invite scholars wit... Read More about Economic crime in war.

To what extent, comparatively, might changes in international law constrain the use of the military instrument of power by Russia, China, and UK in the 2020s and 2030s? (2024)

This report was commissioned and funded by the Secretary of State’s Office for Net Assessment and Challenge (SONAC), Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

As was requested by SONAC, it seeks to predict possibl... Read More about To what extent, comparatively, might changes in international law constrain the use of the military instrument of power by Russia, China, and UK in the 2020s and 2030s?.

Submission to the special rapporteur on violence against women and girls to inform her visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2024)

Women in Refugee Law (WiRL) is a global network of asylum seeking and refugee women, academics, practitioners, policymakers and activists. Our submission draws together recent evidence and knowledge from our UK members with lived experience of claimi... Read More about Submission to the special rapporteur on violence against women and girls to inform her visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Criminalisation of solidarity towards migrants in the European Union - Issues, challenges and solutions (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The talk has two objectives. It first explains the process of criminalization of solidarity in the European Union and especially how the law is used as an instrument of securitization and sanction against solidaristic acts. It also provides examples... Read More about Criminalisation of solidarity towards migrants in the European Union - Issues, challenges and solutions.

Consolidating group-based refugee protection (2024)
Digital Artefact

In this blog post, Christel Querton explores two pending cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and how they provide an opportunity for the CJEU to consolidate group-based refugee protection.