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Outputs (65)

Polyphonic futures (2018)
Book Chapter

Game-Changing Documentarism engages in dialogue with more than 30 writers and stakeholders who lead the state-of-the-art documentary scene in Japan and abroad. The editor writes in the introduction to my article: "How will the documentary list living... Read More about Polyphonic futures.

The finance and production of independent film and television in the United Kingdom: A critical introduction (2017)
Book Chapter

This chapter provides a critical introduction to the finance and production of independent film and television production in the UK. Film, long considered entertainment rather than art, continues to suffer from low levels of public funding, and the m... Read More about The finance and production of independent film and television in the United Kingdom: A critical introduction.

'Dead air': The acoustic of war and peace - creative interpretations of the sound of conflict and remembrance (2017)
Book Chapter

On 11th November 2001, Jonty Semper released a two CD album, Kenotaphion, which captured the empty sounds of seventy years of Two Minute Silences recorded at the Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday ceremonies at the Cenotaph in London. The earliest... Read More about 'Dead air': The acoustic of war and peace - creative interpretations of the sound of conflict and remembrance.

Hospitality and ownership of spaces (2017)
Book Chapter

How can art open up new forms of hospitality and commoning in the city? Dillon’s URBAN HUT taps into this question of living art shaping civic reality in the city.

Wargaming (as) literature (2016)
Book Chapter

As Kirschenbaum argues, board wargames have a lot to teach about the ways that narrative is created in games and “help us to understand the role of process and procedure in stories and games” (Kirschenbaum 2009: 369). In addition, they have a rich hi... Read More about Wargaming (as) literature.