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Outputs (33)

Comparison of cytotoxic changes in ECV304 cell through exposure to DMSO and sodium butyrate using impedance spectroscopy (2012)
Journal Article

This paper decides an impedance spectroscopy measurement system for real-time monitoring of cellular toxicity. The system is used to compare the impedance response of ECV304 cells to two toxicants, dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and sodium butyrate. The... Read More about Comparison of cytotoxic changes in ECV304 cell through exposure to DMSO and sodium butyrate using impedance spectroscopy.

Evaluation of paramagnetic particles for use in a resonant coil magnetometer based magneto-immunoassay (2009)
Journal Article

This paper describes work that formed a part of an investigation to increase the detection sensitivity of a magneto-immunoassay. The study involved the characterisation of paramagnetic particles (PMPs) from a range of manufacturers in order to determ... Read More about Evaluation of paramagnetic particles for use in a resonant coil magnetometer based magneto-immunoassay.

Use of External Magnetic Fields to Reduce Reaction Times in an Immunoassay Using Micrometer-Sized Paramagnetic Particles as Labels (Magnetoimmunoassay) (2004)
Journal Article

The paper presents a rapid immunoassay system capable of quantifying analyte in complex biological and environmental media. Antibody-coated micrometer-sized paramagnetic particles are used as labels in an assay in which they bind quantitatively with... Read More about Use of External Magnetic Fields to Reduce Reaction Times in an Immunoassay Using Micrometer-Sized Paramagnetic Particles as Labels (Magnetoimmunoassay).

Towards the development of molecularly imprinted polymer based screen-printed sensors for metabolites of PAHs (2001)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper describes the fabrication of a sensor for 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) based on a screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE) modified with a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP); 1-OHP was chosen as a model metabolite of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (P... Read More about Towards the development of molecularly imprinted polymer based screen-printed sensors for metabolites of PAHs.