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Dr Praveen Kumar's Outputs (101)

The lycra arm sleeve for treatment of glenohumeral subluxation in people with sub-acute stroke: A randomised controlled (RC) feasibility study (2024)
Journal Article

Background: A Lycra arm sleeve has the potential to reduce glenohumeral subluxation (GHS) in people with stroke (PwS). Aims were 1) to provide feasibility data to inform a future fully powered randomised controlled trial 2) to understand whether pati... Read More about The lycra arm sleeve for treatment of glenohumeral subluxation in people with sub-acute stroke: A randomised controlled (RC) feasibility study.

Designing, implementing and testing an intervention of affective intelligent agents in nursing virtual reality teaching simulations - A qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article

Emotions play an important role in human-computer interaction, but there is limited research on affective and emotional virtual agent design in the area of teaching simulations for healthcare provision. The purpose of this work is twofold: firstly, t... Read More about Designing, implementing and testing an intervention of affective intelligent agents in nursing virtual reality teaching simulations - A qualitative study.

To investigate the biomechanical and physiological effects of Lycra sleeve on the upper limb in healthy adults (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Previous studies have shown beneficial effects of a Lycra arm sleeve in people with stroke (PwS), however, the mechanism of these effects is unclear. The aim was to investigate the effects of a Lycra arm sleeve on pressure, temperature,... Read More about To investigate the biomechanical and physiological effects of Lycra sleeve on the upper limb in healthy adults.

Lycra sleeve compression and its physiological and biomechanical effects on the upper limb in healthy adults (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Previous studies have shown beneficial effects of a Lycra arm sleeve in people with stroke (PwS), however, the mechanism of these effects is unclear. The aim was to investigate the effects of a Lycra arm sleeve on pressure, temperature,... Read More about Lycra sleeve compression and its physiological and biomechanical effects on the upper limb in healthy adults.

Enhancing self-directed upper-limb (UL) exercise practice using GripAble gaming device and Lycra arm sleeve in people with stroke (PwS): An evaluative study (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: The national clinical guidelines recommend repetitive task training to enhance UL rehabilitation in PwS. GripAble™ (a self-directed exergaming device) has shown to increase repetitive practice in PwS. Previous studies have shown that a Ly... Read More about Enhancing self-directed upper-limb (UL) exercise practice using GripAble gaming device and Lycra arm sleeve in people with stroke (PwS): An evaluative study.

Empowering future care workforces: scoping human capabilities to leverage assistive robotics (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

How and what health and care professionals do will be changed by the use of robotics technologies in their workplaces. This paper reports provisional results of a 12-month scoping project in which we explained to people working in care sectors what e... Read More about Empowering future care workforces: scoping human capabilities to leverage assistive robotics.

Acceptability of Lycra arm sleeve in people with sub-acute stroke: Patients', carers' and clinicians' perspectives (2022)
Journal Article

Background: Previous studies found that the Lycra sleeve has potential to reduce glenohumeral subluxation in people with stroke. The primary aim of this study was to explore the acceptability of the Lycra sleeve from patients’, carers’ and staff perc... Read More about Acceptability of Lycra arm sleeve in people with sub-acute stroke: Patients', carers' and clinicians' perspectives.

A practical workshop on hemiplegic shoulder pain, physical assessment and treatment strategies (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP) is one of the four most common medical complications after a stroke alongside depression, falls urinary tract infections. HSP has a reported incidence of between 30% (acute) and 65% (chronic) in people with stroke. The... Read More about A practical workshop on hemiplegic shoulder pain, physical assessment and treatment strategies.

Empowering future care workforces: Scoping capabilities to leverage assistive robotics through co-design (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This project aims to understand what kind of capabilities care professionals need to use physically assistive robotics on their own terms, and in ways that are safe, trustworthy, and meet the legal and ethical standards of their profession. Empowerin... Read More about Empowering future care workforces: Scoping capabilities to leverage assistive robotics through co-design.

Remote adult neurorehabilitation by physiotherapists using technologies during and beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic: An international online survey (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Physiotherapy rehabilitation is a fundamental component of multidisciplinary management following adult neurological conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen changes in professional practice across the globe and telerehabilitation (TR)... Read More about Remote adult neurorehabilitation by physiotherapists using technologies during and beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic: An international online survey.

Within-day intrarater and interrater reliability of portable ultrasound measurements of supraspinatus muscle thickness in healthy people: A preliminary study (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Glenohumeral subluxation (GHS) and hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP) are common post-stroke complications reported in up to 81% and 65% of patients respectively. Rotator cuff muscle weakness, especially supraspinatus muscle inactivity is a p... Read More about Within-day intrarater and interrater reliability of portable ultrasound measurements of supraspinatus muscle thickness in healthy people: A preliminary study.

Effects of electrical stimulation combined with rotator cuff rehabilitation for the management of hemiplegic shoulder pain and glenohumeral subluxation in people with chronic stroke (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP) and Glenohumeral subluxation (GHS) are common post-stroke complications reported in up to 65% and 81% of patients. Poor motor function and prevalence of rotator cuff (RC) muscle weakness increases the risk o... Read More about Effects of electrical stimulation combined with rotator cuff rehabilitation for the management of hemiplegic shoulder pain and glenohumeral subluxation in people with chronic stroke.

A machine learning model for predicting sit-to-stand trajectories of people with and without stroke: towards adaptive robotic assistance (2022)
Journal Article

Sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit transfers are fundamental daily motions that enable all other types of ambulation and gait. However, the ability to perform these motions can be severely impaired by different factors, such as the occurrence of a stroke,... Read More about A machine learning model for predicting sit-to-stand trajectories of people with and without stroke: towards adaptive robotic assistance.

Remote provision of 'next steps' exercise class in people with stroke: An online survey of participants' experience (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Physiotherapy rehabilitation is a fundamental component of multidisciplinary management following stroke, for biopsychosocial exercise benefits and secondary prevention. Bristol After Stroke and the University of the West of England’s Bri... Read More about Remote provision of 'next steps' exercise class in people with stroke: An online survey of participants' experience.

Risk and associated factors for hemiplegic shoulder pain in people with stroke: A systematic literature review (2021)
Journal Article

Introduction: Hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP) is reported in up to 40% of people with stroke and has been associated with spasticity and glenohumeral subluxation. The frequency of HSP has reduced in the last two decades which is most likely due to imp... Read More about Risk and associated factors for hemiplegic shoulder pain in people with stroke: A systematic literature review.

Does the application of a Lycra arm sleeve change shoulder biomechanics in people with stroke? - A preliminary study (2021)
Journal Article

Introduction Glenohumeral subluxation (GHS) is reported in up to 81% of patients with stroke. Our previous studies found that a Lycra sleeve can reduce acromion-greater tuberosity (AGT) distance (used for assessment of GHS) in people with chronic str... Read More about Does the application of a Lycra arm sleeve change shoulder biomechanics in people with stroke? - A preliminary study.

Accelerometers-embedded Lycra sleeves to test wear compliance and upper limb activity in people with stroke: A feasibility study (2021)
Journal Article

Introduction To establish a possible effect of Lycra sleeves, accurate recording of wear time is critical. The aim of this study was to test whether an accelerometer-embedded Lycra sleeve can measure wear compliance and record upper-limb (UL) movemen... Read More about Accelerometers-embedded Lycra sleeves to test wear compliance and upper limb activity in people with stroke: A feasibility study.

Risk and associated factors for hemiplegic shoulder pain in people with stroke: A systematic literature review (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Introduction: Hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP) is reported in up to 47% of people with stroke. Since
the development of the national guidelines for stroke, the management of HSP has evolved. The aim of
this systematic literature review was to explore... Read More about Risk and associated factors for hemiplegic shoulder pain in people with stroke: A systematic literature review.