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Remote provision of 'next steps' exercise class in people with stroke: An online survey of participants' experience

Kumar, Praveen; O'Hanlon, Ellie; Clift, Elinor; Brooks, Tilly; Fry, Becca; Deeks, Andrea

Remote provision of 'next steps' exercise class in people with stroke: An online survey of participants' experience Thumbnail


Profile image of Praveen Kumar

Dr Praveen Kumar
Associate Professor in Stroke Rehabilitation

Ellie O'Hanlon

Elinor Clift

Tilly Brooks

Becca Fry

Andrea Deeks


Background: Physiotherapy rehabilitation is a fundamental component of multidisciplinary management following stroke, for biopsychosocial exercise benefits and secondary prevention. Bristol After Stroke and the University of the West of England’s Bristol-based ‘Next Steps’ programme provides physiotherapist-led group exercise for people with stroke (PwS). During the COVID-19 pandemic, telerehabilitation (TR) delivery has continued care remotely and virtually, given face-to-face unfeasibility. Physiotherapists must seek insight into service-users’ acceptability to assure service quality, and to contribute to TR improvements and advancements within their practice and the profession
Aim: To gain an understanding of participant acceptability of ‘Next Steps’ delivered remotely, in relation to exercise, communication, technology and accessibility – identified key themes within the literature.
Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional design, whereby primary data was collected through two online surveys, using Qualtrics software, from the population of remote ‘Next Steps’; one for exercising participants and their primary caregivers respectively. Descriptive analysis, and synonym-based word frequency analysis was used for analysis.
Results: Nineteen participants provided a response within the data-collection period. Results demonstrate acceptability of remote ‘Next Steps’, in relation to exercise, technology, communication and accessibility. Issues of individual/hands-on feedback, socialisation and individual preferences are identified challenges. Most participants agreed that remote delivery is a suitable alternative to face-to-face (f2f); however, may only be suitable during COVID-19.
Conclusions: ‘Next Steps’ delivered remotely was acceptable, however further research is required, post-COVID-19, to establish whether ‘Next Steps’ is a suitable alternative when f2f services resume.

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name Welsh Stroke Conference, June 2022
Start Date Jun 21, 2022
End Date Jun 22, 2022
Deposit Date Dec 26, 2022
Publicly Available Date Jan 11, 2023
Keywords Remote Rehab, Stroke Exercise Classes, Telerehab, Patients/ carers perception
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