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Jane Andrews' Outputs (33)

What’s happening in ‘their space’? Exploring the borders of formal and informal learning with undergraduate students of education in the age of mobile technologies (2015)
Journal Article

The changing nature of teaching and learning in an age of accessible technologies provides challenges and opportunities for the design of learning events. Working with a sample of undergraduate students of education in one UK higher education institu... Read More about What’s happening in ‘their space’? Exploring the borders of formal and informal learning with undergraduate students of education in the age of mobile technologies.

"It's a very difficult question isn't it?" Researcher, interpreter and research participant negotiating meanings in an education research interview (2013)
Journal Article

Writers within Applied Linguistics and beyond have argued for research papers using interview methods to acknowledge all participants' contributions to that data for example, Kvale and Brinkmann, and Mann. When research encounters involve participant... Read More about "It's a very difficult question isn't it?" Researcher, interpreter and research participant negotiating meanings in an education research interview.

Professional researcher or a 'good guest'? Ethical dilemmas involved in researching children and families in the home setting (2006)
Journal Article

In this article we explore our experiences of researching children and families in the home setting. We trace the impact of the home setting on some ethical and methodological issues which arose in the course of conducting our field work and consider... Read More about Professional researcher or a 'good guest'? Ethical dilemmas involved in researching children and families in the home setting.

Children's 'funds of knowledge' and their real life activities: Two minority ethnic children learning in out-of-school contexts in the UK (2006)
Journal Article

In this paper we explore the concept of 'funds of knowledge' used by Moll and Greenberg (1990) in the US to recognize and value expertise located within minority ethnic communities and apply it to the out-of-school learning engaged in by two primary... Read More about Children's 'funds of knowledge' and their real life activities: Two minority ethnic children learning in out-of-school contexts in the UK.