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Sanja Dogramadzi's Outputs (69)

A study on the effects of cognitive overloading and distractions on human movement during robot-assisted dressing (2022)
Journal Article

For robots that can provide physical assistance, maintaining synchronicity of the robot and human movement is a precursor for interaction safety. Existing research on collaborative HRI does not consider how synchronicity can be affected if humans are... Read More about A study on the effects of cognitive overloading and distractions on human movement during robot-assisted dressing.

Learning from carers to inform the design of safe physically assistive robots - Insights from a focus group study (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This research investigates how professional carers physically assist frail older adults. Carers were asked to discuss their approach and steps for providing safe physical assistance and highlight hazards that assistive robots would have to deal with... Read More about Learning from carers to inform the design of safe physically assistive robots - Insights from a focus group study.

A new perspective on robot ethics through investigating human–robot interactions with older adults (2021)
Journal Article

This work explored the use of human–robot interaction research to investigate robot ethics. A longitudinal human–robot interaction study was conducted with self-reported healthy older adults to determine whether expression of artificial emotions by a... Read More about A new perspective on robot ethics through investigating human–robot interactions with older adults.

Standards and regulations for physically assistive robots**Research supported by Lloyds Register Foundation, under the Assuring Antonomy International Programme (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In this paper we consider the regulations that currently exist in relation to supporting people in the home and in different care settings. Using existing standards and guidelines that relate to assistive technology and care in the UK, we consider wh... Read More about Standards and regulations for physically assistive robots**Research supported by Lloyds Register Foundation, under the Assuring Antonomy International Programme.

ShearTouch - Towards a wearable tactile feedback device to provide continuous shear force sensation in real time (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Force feedback in current teleoperation systems typically only provides haptic/kinaesthetic feedback to operators in the form of normal forces. However, it is proposed in this paper that the introduction of shear (or lateral) force feedback to operat... Read More about ShearTouch - Towards a wearable tactile feedback device to provide continuous shear force sensation in real time.

Towards establishing a 'cooperation' measure for coupled movement in close-proximity human-robot interaction (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

To achieve safe close-proximity human-robot interaction , particularly for physically assitive tasks, robot motion planning needs to recognize and adapt to the behaviour of humans in the long-term. Generally, motion prediction with probabilistic conf... Read More about Towards establishing a 'cooperation' measure for coupled movement in close-proximity human-robot interaction.

The use of different feedback modalities and verbal collaboration in tele-robotic assistance (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper explores the effects of different feedback modalities (gripper orientation via peripheral (side) vision and haptic feedback) and verbal collaboration with the service-user on the performance of tele-operators in completing a tele-robotic a... Read More about The use of different feedback modalities and verbal collaboration in tele-robotic assistance.