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Dr. Berrbizne Urzelai's Outputs (7)

Is it all in the mindset? Team coaching, psychological capital and the collaborative development of an entrepreneurial mindset (2021)
Book Chapter

The changing nature of work attaches greater significance, by organisations, entrepreneurs and students alike, to the development of entrepreneurial capacities, with growing interest in entrepreneurial mindset and psychological capital (self-efficacy... Read More about Is it all in the mindset? Team coaching, psychological capital and the collaborative development of an entrepreneurial mindset.

Cooking a team entrepreneurship programme: A recipe for a team based, self managed experiential learning programme (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Tiimiakatemia was developed in 1993 by Johannes Partanen at Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences (JAMK). The Team Academy model adopts a practice-led, self-managed, team-based and enterprise-orientated approach to education. TA has been applied i... Read More about Cooking a team entrepreneurship programme: A recipe for a team based, self managed experiential learning programme.