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All Outputs (57)

Designing a master degree program in building information modeling (BIM) using national professional standards: A case studyin Kazakhstan (2024)
Journal Article

This article presents the design of a master degree program focused on "Building Information Modeling (BIM) Technologies in Architecture, Engineering & Construction (AEC)" in Kazakhstan. The demand for such a program arises from the scarcity of quali... Read More about Designing a master degree program in building information modeling (BIM) using national professional standards: A case studyin Kazakhstan.

Literature review: Industry 5.0. Leveraging technologies for environmental, social and governance advancement in corporate settings (2024)
Journal Article

This research paper explores the transformative potential of Industry 5.0 for environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors within corporate settings. This study aims to elucidate the role of Industry 5.0 and its related technologies in... Read More about Literature review: Industry 5.0. Leveraging technologies for environmental, social and governance advancement in corporate settings.

Innovative methods to improve the seismic performance of precast segmental and hybrid bridge columns under cyclic loading (2024)
Journal Article

This paper investigates the seismic performance of prefabricated segmental bridge columns (PSBCs) with hybrid post-tensioned tendons and energy dissipation (ED) bars under cyclic loading. PSBCs with unbonded and hybrid bonded prestressed tendons and... Read More about Innovative methods to improve the seismic performance of precast segmental and hybrid bridge columns under cyclic loading.

Investigation of the displacement-based seismic performance of geogrid earth-retaining walls using three-dimensional finite element modeling (2024)
Journal Article

This study evaluates the earthquake-induced movement of geogrid earth-retaining (GER) walls. A thorough investigation was conducted on a GER wall model, utilizing a comprehensive finite element (FE) analysis. This research focuses on investigating an... Read More about Investigation of the displacement-based seismic performance of geogrid earth-retaining walls using three-dimensional finite element modeling.

Structural health monitoring of underground metro tunnel by identifying damage using ANN deep learning auto-encoder (2023)
Journal Article

Due to the complexity of underground environmental conditions and operational incidents, advanced and accurate monitoring of the underground metro shield tunnel structures is crucial for maintenance and the prevention of mishaps. In the past few deca... Read More about Structural health monitoring of underground metro tunnel by identifying damage using ANN deep learning auto-encoder.

A comprehensive review of incorporating steel fibers of waste tires in cement composites and its applications (2022)
Journal Article

Accumulating vast amounts of pollutants drives modern civilization toward sustainable development. Construction waste is one of the prominent issues impeding progress toward net-zero. Pollutants must be utilized in constructing civil engineering stru... Read More about A comprehensive review of incorporating steel fibers of waste tires in cement composites and its applications.

An experimental study on non-destructive evaluation of the mechanical characteristics of a sustainable concrete incorporating industrial waste (2022)
Journal Article

Structural materials sustainability is gaining popularity across the globe at present. Reusing natural resources, building, demolition debris, and solid waste are the most apparent tools to make construction more environmentally friendly. Traditional... Read More about An experimental study on non-destructive evaluation of the mechanical characteristics of a sustainable concrete incorporating industrial waste.

Bibliometric and scientometric analysis-based review of construction safety and health research in developing countries from 1990 to 2021 (2022)
Journal Article

This bibliometric and scientometric analyses and critical review of construction health and safety (H&S) research in developing countries (DCs) over the past 31 years, identifies its trends, dissemination, knowledge gaps, study implications, and dire... Read More about Bibliometric and scientometric analysis-based review of construction safety and health research in developing countries from 1990 to 2021.

Sustainable engineering higher education in Oman-lessons learned from the pandemic (COVID-19), improvements, and suggestions in the teaching, learning and administrative framework (2022)
Journal Article

This research study has investigated the challenges faced due to the pandemic (COVID-19). This paper further provides recommendations that can be adopted by academics, learners, and administrators to make the education system more robust and sustaina... Read More about Sustainable engineering higher education in Oman-lessons learned from the pandemic (COVID-19), improvements, and suggestions in the teaching, learning and administrative framework.

Development of an analytical model for the FRP retrofitted deficient interior reinforced concrete beam-column joints (2022)
Journal Article

Beam‐column joints (BCJs) constructed until the 1970s carry a low shear capability due to the absence of shear reinforcement. Fiber‐reinforced polymers (FRP) are more reliable than other materials to strengthen a weak BCJ. To date, plenty of analytic... Read More about Development of an analytical model for the FRP retrofitted deficient interior reinforced concrete beam-column joints.