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John Parkin's Outputs (100)

Effect of side road junction design enhancements and flows on priority for crossing pedestrians and cyclists (2024)
Journal Article

Enhancements to designs or carriageway markings are increasingly used by engineers to reinforce pedestrians’ and cyclists’ priority when crossing side roads at their junctions with main roads. Yielding behaviour in 13,402 interactions was collected a... Read More about Effect of side road junction design enhancements and flows on priority for crossing pedestrians and cyclists.

Replication of a local record keeping method for collecting road crash data in low resource settings: lessons from Bangladesh and Nepal (2024)
Journal Article

Background. Police road crash and injury data in low- and middle-income countries are known to under-report crashes, fatalities and injuries, especially for vulnerable road users. Local record keepers, who are members of the public, can be engaged to... Read More about Replication of a local record keeping method for collecting road crash data in low resource settings: lessons from Bangladesh and Nepal.

Maintenance of action: A qualitative study of cycle commuting adoption resulting from a cycle loan scheme (2023)
Journal Article

Introduction: Cycling has multiple health benefits, but its share of commuting mode remains low in the UK. Little is known about barriers and determinants for new sustained recruits to commuting, and few studies have examined new recruits for a suffi... Read More about Maintenance of action: A qualitative study of cycle commuting adoption resulting from a cycle loan scheme.

Perceived accessibility of employment sites by jobseekers and the potential relevance of employer-subsidised demand responsive transport to enhance the commute (2022)
Journal Article

The constraints placed by the transport options available to job-seekers are key factors for the accessibility of employment locations and therefore social inclusion. The present paper investigates the importance of these constraints and the potentia... Read More about Perceived accessibility of employment sites by jobseekers and the potential relevance of employer-subsidised demand responsive transport to enhance the commute.

Experience of living near a highway in Nepal: Community perceptions of road dangers in Makwanpur district (2022)
Journal Article

Introduction: Road traffic injuries are a major but neglected global challenge. There are high and rising rates of road traffic injuries in Nepal. Most of the studies reporting these injuries in Nepal have used quantitative methods to describe the in... Read More about Experience of living near a highway in Nepal: Community perceptions of road dangers in Makwanpur district.

Completeness of police reporting of traffic crashes in Nepal: Evaluation using a community crash recording system (2022)
Journal Article

Objective: Accurate road crash reporting is essential for evaluating road safety interventions and plans. Under-reporting of road traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities in police records has been widely described. The aim of this study was to appl... Read More about Completeness of police reporting of traffic crashes in Nepal: Evaluation using a community crash recording system.