Outputs (13)
Janus-kinase inhibitor use in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases beyond licensed indications: A scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
The use of Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKis) in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) beyond licence is expanding rapidly. The aim of this scoping review was to identify and present the available evidence on the efficacy of JAKis... Read More about Janus-kinase inhibitor use in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases beyond licensed indications: A scoping review.
Healthy streetlife: An ecologic exploration of residents' health practices in the street environment (2024)
Good health is a human right and the built environment is recognised as a wider determinant of health but many studies focus only on physical health not mental or social health. The street is a microscale of the built environment yet r... Read More about Healthy streetlife: An ecologic exploration of residents' health practices in the street environment.
Adolescent pregnancy and early motherhood are often constructed in contemporary literature, policy and academic discourses as a sociocultural-political problem. While the challenges of adolescent pregnancy and early motherhood are well documented, le... Read More about Can you hear my voice? Navigating the journey from adolescent pregnancy to early motherhood in Uganda: A phenomenological perspective.
Effectiveness of infection prevention and control interventions in health care facilities in Africa: A systematic review (2024)
Journal Article
Background Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) are a major threat to patient safety and quality care. However, they are avoidable by implementing evidence-based infection prevention and control measures. This re... Read More about Effectiveness of infection prevention and control interventions in health care facilities in Africa: A systematic review.
Health wealth and happiness: The price of everything and the value of nothing (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Systematic review of surveillance systems for AMR in Africa (2022)
Journal Article
AIMS: Surveillance is a useful tool for tracking antimicrobial resistance (AMR) trends, patterns, therapeutic and policy interventions. Proper correlation of surveillance data gives meaningful insight into the underlying epidemiology and facilitates... Read More about Systematic review of surveillance systems for AMR in Africa.
Scaling up evidence-based body-image interventions for adolescents: Studies from the UK, India, and Indonesia (2022)
The field of adolescent body image research is well established and has been burgeoning since the mid-1990s. Body image concerns are prevalent among adolescents globally, and the extensive psychological and physical health consequences are widely rec... Read More about Scaling up evidence-based body-image interventions for adolescents: Studies from the UK, India, and Indonesia.
Exploring the role of exposure to green and blue spaces in preventing anxiety and depression among young people aged 14–24 years living in urban settings: A systematic review and conceptual framework (2022)
Journal Article
Despite the growing problem of anxiety and depression amongst young people aged 14–24 years living in urban settings, reviews about the role of exposure to green and blue spaces or nature in preventing anxiety and depression tend to focus on children... Read More about Exploring the role of exposure to green and blue spaces in preventing anxiety and depression among young people aged 14–24 years living in urban settings: A systematic review and conceptual framework.
The 2013-2016 Ebola epidemic: evaluating communication strategies between two affected countries in West Africa (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Assessing the microbial quality of water from different local sources in an urban town in South East Nigeria, Nsukka (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Evaluation of the device Sigma Transwab® with special drawing pad foam polyurethane for collection and handling of samples using the swab elution and roll plate based on the new CLSI M40-A2 guidelines (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Technology Assessment
VALUTAZIONE DEI DISPOSITIVI SIGMA TRANSWAB® DI RACCOLTA E TRASPORTO CAMPIONI CON SPECIALE TAMPONE DI PRELIEVO IN SCHIUMA POLIURETANO E TERRENO LIQUIDO UTILIZZANDO METODICA DI ELUIZIONE E ROLL PLATE SECONDO LINEE GUIDA CLS... Read More about Evaluation of the device Sigma Transwab® with special drawing pad foam polyurethane for collection and handling of samples using the swab elution and roll plate based on the new CLSI M40-A2 guidelines.