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Outputs (9)

Assessing gender essentialist beliefs towards youth athletes: Development and preliminary validation of the gender essentialist beliefs towards girls in sport scale (GEGS) (2025)
Journal Article

Despite evidence refuting the legitimacy of inherent and unchanging qualities and the existence of a gender sport continuum, a prevailing gender essentialist ideology persists among coaches. This ideology perpetuates the belief in a binary, hierarchi... Read More about Assessing gender essentialist beliefs towards youth athletes: Development and preliminary validation of the gender essentialist beliefs towards girls in sport scale (GEGS).

Acceptability and preliminary efficacy testing of a web-based coach development program addressing gender essentialism among coaches of adolescent girls (2023)
Journal Article

Gender essentialism in coaching discourses often goes unnoticed by coaches yet promotes gender stereotypes. Currently, no coach development program addresses gender essentialism. This study tested the acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a novel... Read More about Acceptability and preliminary efficacy testing of a web-based coach development program addressing gender essentialism among coaches of adolescent girls.

And some of us are silenced (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In Mangrove the first of the Small Axe films, bio-chemist student Althea says “We need to challenge the system… We mustn’t be victims but protagonists of our stories and what better way of representing ourselves but self-representing ourselves.” A bo... Read More about And some of us are silenced.

Transportation disadvantage and activity participation in the cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan (2016)
Journal Article

This paper explores public transport related issues and their impact on activity participation in everyday life in the Pakistani urban context. The study is based on primary data collected through questionnaire survey from four case study communities... Read More about Transportation disadvantage and activity participation in the cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan.