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West of England e-scooter trial evaluation final report

Chatterjee, Kiron; Parkin, John; Bozovic, Tamara; Flower, Jonathan

West of England e-scooter trial evaluation final report Thumbnail


Profile image of John Parkin

John Parkin
Professor in Transport Engineering


The e-scooter rental trial in the West of England started in October 2020 and is part of an England-wide programme of e-scooter trials in cities and towns overseen by the Department for Transport (DfT). There are two operating areas in the West of England. One covers a combined area within Bristol City and South Gloucestershire (referred to as Bristol). The other covers Bath city centre. The trial provides two rental options: Hop-on Hop-Off (HOHO) and Long-Term Rental (LTR). The Department for Transport has completed a national evaluation to understand the operation and impact of the e-scooter trials across all 32 trial locations. The evaluation has shown the West of England trial has had the most rides by a significant margin. The national evaluation provides useful insights to national trends with some comparisons provided between areas. Given the significance of the e-scooter operations in the West of England, and a desire to learn from the trial to inform longer term policy, the Combined Authority commissioned a local evaluation within Bristol and Bath. It adds significantly to insights over and above those emerging from the national evaluation. Trial operator data and other datasets have been analysed in-depth. Several primary data sets have also been collected.
In the West of England, a significant number of users have adopted e-scooters into their way of life. People are using them to get to work/college/university and they support leisure and shopping. A high proportion of users are between the ages of 18 and 35, and the majority of users are male. Take-up has been high due to their ease of use and time saving around Bristol and Bath. E-scooters are replacing trips from all types of transport. The trial has reduced travel related carbon emissions. Data on e-scooter safety is not robust enough to draw firm conclusions, but e-scooter riding may be riskier than cycling. E-scooter users thought that better infrastructure is needed. A lower proportion of e-scooter riders wear a cycle helmet than cycle riders. People dislike e-scooters obstructing the footway and some people fear e-scooters being ridden. These two issues particularly impact blind or partially sighted people. Those responsible for running the trial recognise the importance of well parked e-scooters. The trial has benefitted from strong collaboration between the e-scooter operator, local councils, police, fire service, and the Combined Authority.

Report Type Research Report
Acceptance Date May 18, 2023
Online Publication Date Jun 30, 2023
Publication Date Jun 30, 2023
Deposit Date Jul 3, 2023
Publicly Available Date Apr 25, 2024
Keywords Shared; Rental; E-scooter; Micromobility; Evaluation
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