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Outputs (362)

Hydrocarbon degradation, plant colonization and gene expression of alkane degradation genes by endophytic Enterobacter ludwigii strains (2011)
Journal Article

The genus Enterobacter comprises a range of beneficial plant-associated bacteria showing plant growth promotion. Enterobacter ludwigii belongs to the Enterobacter cloacae complex and has been reported to include human pathogens but also plant-associa... Read More about Hydrocarbon degradation, plant colonization and gene expression of alkane degradation genes by endophytic Enterobacter ludwigii strains.

Investigating the key membrane protein changes during in vitro erythropoiesis of protein 4.2 (-) cells (mutations Chartres 1 and 2) (2010)
Journal Article

Background Protein 4.2 deficiency caused by mutations in the EPB42 gene results in hereditary spherocytosis with characteristic alterations of CD47, CD44 and RhAG. We decided to investigate at which stage of erythropoiesis these hallmarks of protein... Read More about Investigating the key membrane protein changes during in vitro erythropoiesis of protein 4.2 (-) cells (mutations Chartres 1 and 2).