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Outputs (362)

Allium cepa remediates oxidative stress-mediated hepatic DNA damage in cadmium-exposed rats through enhanced p53 expression and inhibition of bcl2 (2020)
Journal Article

Cadmium (Cd), a naturally occurring toxic metal, in addition to being cytotoxic, has been shown to be responsible for inducing free radical-dependent DNA damage in cells. Allium cepa is also known to ameliorate cadmium sulphate-induced... Read More about Allium cepa remediates oxidative stress-mediated hepatic DNA damage in cadmium-exposed rats through enhanced p53 expression and inhibition of bcl2.

Developmental, morphological and physiological traits in plants exposed for five generations to chronic low-level ionising radiation (2020)
Journal Article

The effects of ionising radiation (IR) on plants are important for environmental protection but also in agriculture, horticulture, space science, and plant stress biology. Much current understanding of the effects of IR on plants derives from acute h... Read More about Developmental, morphological and physiological traits in plants exposed for five generations to chronic low-level ionising radiation.

Stick tool use by chimpanzees in a forest fragment in Uganda’s Budongo-Bugoma corridor: Preliminary observations from Kasongoire (2019)
Journal Article

Chimpanzees are well-known tool users, with differences reported in the tool use repertoires among communities and subspecies. Chimpanzees at most study sites exhibit some degree of stick tool use behaviour for extractive foraging, with the exception... Read More about Stick tool use by chimpanzees in a forest fragment in Uganda’s Budongo-Bugoma corridor: Preliminary observations from Kasongoire.

Bioreactor‐manufactured cartilage grafts repair acute and chronic osteochondral defects in large animal studies (2019)
Journal Article

Objectives: Bioreactor-based production systems have the potential to overcome limitations associated with conventional tissue engineering manufacturing methods, facilitating regulatory compliant and cost-effective production of engineered grafts for... Read More about Bioreactor‐manufactured cartilage grafts repair acute and chronic osteochondral defects in large animal studies.

Genetic manipulation of cell line derived reticulocytes enables dissection of host malaria invasion requirements (2019)
Journal Article

Investigating the role that host erythrocyte proteins play in malaria infection is hampered by the genetic intractability of this anucleate cell. Here we report that reticulocytes derived through in vitro differentiation of an enucleation-competent i... Read More about Genetic manipulation of cell line derived reticulocytes enables dissection of host malaria invasion requirements.

Human factors and ergonomics systems-based tools for understanding and addressing global problems of the twenty-first century (2019)
Journal Article

Sustainability is a systems problem with humans as integral elements of the system. However, sustainability problems usually have a broader scope than socio-technical systems and therefore, require additional considerations. This requires a fuller in... Read More about Human factors and ergonomics systems-based tools for understanding and addressing global problems of the twenty-first century.