Unconventional computing 2007
Benjamin De Lacy Costello's Outputs (153)
Towards machine learning control of chemical computers (2006)
Book Chapter
Towards predicting spatial complexity: a learning classifier system approach to the identification of cellular automata (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
This paper presents a novel approach to the programming of automata-based simulation and computation using a machine learning technique. The identification of lattice-based automata for real-world applications is cast as a data mining problem. Our ap... Read More about Towards predicting spatial complexity: a learning classifier system approach to the identification of cellular automata.
Experimental implementation of collision-based gates in Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium (2005)
Journal Article
We experimentally demonstrate that excitation wave-fragments in a Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) medium with immobilised catalyst can be used to build elementary logical gates and circuits. Following our previous theoretical constructions [Adamatzky A. Co... Read More about Experimental implementation of collision-based gates in Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium.
Rapid diagnosis of gastro-intestinal infections using faecal odour (2005)
Book Chapter
This book describes how the analysis of the trace gases in exhaled breath can be used for non-invasive clinical diagnosis of disease and for monitoring the effectiveness of therapy. This approach offers an important addition to the diagnostic techniq... Read More about Rapid diagnosis of gastro-intestinal infections using faecal odour.
Reaction-diffusion computers (2005)
The interdisciplinary research monograph, which has been peer-reviewed by several international experts assigned by Elsevier, introduces ground breaking original results in formal paradigms, architectures and laboratory implementations of computers b... Read More about Reaction-diffusion computers.
Experimental implementation of mobile robot taxis with onboard Belousov-Zhabotinsky chemical medium (2004)
Journal Article
We discuss the first-ever experimental realization of the onboard excitable chemical controller for stimulus-guided navigation of mobile robots. We demonstrate that the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction in the form of an onboard thin layer chemical... Read More about Experimental implementation of mobile robot taxis with onboard Belousov-Zhabotinsky chemical medium.
Reaction-diffusion navigation robot control: From chemical to VLSI analogic processors (2004)
Journal Article
We introduce a new methodology and experimental implementations for real-time wave-based robot navigation in a complex, dynamically changing environment. The main idea behind the approach is to consider the robot arena as an excitable medium, in whic... Read More about Reaction-diffusion navigation robot control: From chemical to VLSI analogic processors.
Voronoi diagrams generated by regressing edges of precipitation fronts (2004)
Journal Article
The Voronoi diagram generated by regression edges of precipitation fronts was analyzed. In the reaction-diffusion system, one of the reagents penetrates into a gel by diffusion and forms a precipitate with the other reagent homogenized in the gel. It... Read More about Voronoi diagrams generated by regressing edges of precipitation fronts.
The formation of voronoi diagrams in chemical and physical systems: Experimental findings and theoretical models (2004)
Journal Article
The work discusses the formation of Voronoi diagrams in spatially extended nonlinear systems taking experimental and theoretical results into account. Concerning experimental systems a number of chemical systems used previously as prototype chemical... Read More about The formation of voronoi diagrams in chemical and physical systems: Experimental findings and theoretical models.
The synthesis of novel 3-substituted pyrrole monomers possessing chiral side groups: A study of their chemical polymerisation and the assessment of their chiral discrimination properties (2003)
Journal Article
Novel 3-substituted pyrrole monomers possessing chiral side groups were synthesised. These compounds were successfully polymerised with ferric salts and the polymer materials fabricated into sensors. The sensors were found to elicit differential chan... Read More about The synthesis of novel 3-substituted pyrrole monomers possessing chiral side groups: A study of their chemical polymerisation and the assessment of their chiral discrimination properties.
Experimental reaction-diffusion chemical processors for robot path planning (2003)
Journal Article
In this paper we discuss the experimental implementation of a chemical reaction-diffusion processor for robot motion planning in terms of finding the shortest collision-free path for a robot moving in an arena with obstacles. These reaction-diffusion... Read More about Experimental reaction-diffusion chemical processors for robot path planning.
Thick film organic vapour sensors based on binary mixtures of metal oxides (2003)
Journal Article
Previously, composite sensors incorporating differing proportions of tin dioxide and zinc oxide were reported which exhibited high sensitivity to a range of organic vapours under dry conditions (0% relative humidity, RH). Most importantly, the compos... Read More about Thick film organic vapour sensors based on binary mixtures of metal oxides.
A prototype sensor system for the early detection of microbially linked spoilage in stored wheat grain (2003)
Journal Article
Spencer-Phillips was Co-Investigator, the lead biologist in this HGCA-funded multi-disciplinary work, and co-wrote the paper. The grant was based on his expertise in the microbiology of post-harvest spoilage.
A prototype sensor system for the early detection of microbially linked spoilage in stored wheat grain (2003)
Journal Article
Sensors based on composites of metal oxides were fabricated and tested extensively under high-humidity and high-flow conditions with exposure to vapours reported to increase in the headspace of wheat grain (Triticum aestivum cv Hereward) colonized by... Read More about A prototype sensor system for the early detection of microbially linked spoilage in stored wheat grain.
Sensors for early warning of post-harvest spoilage in potato tubers (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Post-harvest spoilage of potato tubers results in approximately 9 million annual loss in the UK alone. In this paper, we report work completed with funding from the British Potato Council to develop an electronic sensor system (e-nose) to enable the... Read More about Sensors for early warning of post-harvest spoilage in potato tubers.
Highly sensitive mixed oxide sensors for the detection of ethanol (2002)
Journal Article
Sensors consisting of mixtures of tin dioxide and zinc oxide powders in a range of proportions were constructed. Each mixture was applied to an electrode-bearing alumina substrate either as a paste, or by screen printing. The responses of these senso... Read More about Highly sensitive mixed oxide sensors for the detection of ethanol.
Experimental logical gates in a reaction-diffusion medium: The XOR gate and beyond (2002)
Journal Article
We exploit the particulars of diffusive wave front interactions in certain types of two-reactant reaction-diffusion medium to construct a laboratory prototype of an XOR gate. In the design, the values of the logic variables are represented by the pre... Read More about Experimental logical gates in a reaction-diffusion medium: The XOR gate and beyond.