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Benjamin De Lacy Costello's Outputs (153)

Filamentary extension of the mem-con theory of memristance and its application to titanium dioxide sol-gel memristors (2012)
Preprint / Working Paper

Titanium dioxide sol-gel memristors have two different modes of operation, believed to be dependent on whether there is bulk memristance, i.e. memristance throughout the whole volume or filamentary memristance, i.e. memristance caused by the connecti... Read More about Filamentary extension of the mem-con theory of memristance and its application to titanium dioxide sol-gel memristors.

Comparison of ant-inspired gatherer allocation approaches using memristor-based environmental models (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Memristors are used to compare three gathering techniques in an already-mapped environment where resource locations are known. The All Site model, which apportions gatherers based on the modeled memristance of that path, proves to be good at increasi... Read More about Comparison of ant-inspired gatherer allocation approaches using memristor-based environmental models.

On the internalisation, intraplasmodial carriage and excretion of metallic nanoparticles in the slime mould, Physarum polycephalum (2011)
Journal Article

The plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum is a large single cell visible with the naked eye. When inoculated on a substrate with attractants and repellents the plasmodium develops optimal networks of protoplasmic tubes which span sites of attractants (... Read More about On the internalisation, intraplasmodial carriage and excretion of metallic nanoparticles in the slime mould, Physarum polycephalum.