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Sanda Ismail's Outputs (31)

Effectiveness of infection prevention and control interventions in health care facilities in Africa: A systematic review (2024)
Journal Article

Background Healthcare associated infections (HAIs) are a major threat to patient safety and quality care. However, they are avoidable by implementing evidence-based infection prevention and control measures. This re... Read More about Effectiveness of infection prevention and control interventions in health care facilities in Africa: A systematic review.

Developing community leadership for action on affordable, healthy, and sustainable food issues (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In the context of the current cost of living crisis, many activists are working within their communities to promote access to affordable, healthy, and sustainable food. Yet there are very few opportunities share experiences, ideas and resources betwe... Read More about Developing community leadership for action on affordable, healthy, and sustainable food issues.

Food for life get togethers evaluation: Good food and building community capacity through cook and share grants (2022)

‘Food for Life Get Togethers’ are regular community activities that connect people from all ages and backgrounds through growing, cooking and eating good food. In mid-2021 Food for Life asked community groups across the UK to apply for a £150 Cook an... Read More about Food for life get togethers evaluation: Good food and building community capacity through cook and share grants.

Socioeconomic determinants of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes among migrants in the United Kingdom: A systematic review (2022)
Journal Article

There has been little agreement on the role that socioeconomic factors play in the aetiology of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), obesity, and diabetes among migrants in the United Kingdom (UK). We systematically reviewed the existing evidence on this... Read More about Socioeconomic determinants of cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes among migrants in the United Kingdom: A systematic review.

Bringing children and older people together through food: The promotion of intergenerational relationships across preschool, school and care home settings (2022)
Journal Article

Purpose: This paper aims to explore how food-focused social activities are a route for promoting intergenerational relationships, well-being and dietary benefits among residents in care homes and children in preschool/schools. Design/methodology/appr... Read More about Bringing children and older people together through food: The promotion of intergenerational relationships across preschool, school and care home settings.

Nostalgic conversations: The co-production of an intervention package for people living with dementia and their spouse (2021)
Journal Article

Objectives: Nostalgic memories are more social than other forms of autobiographical recall, often refer to atypical events, express more positive affect and reflect life as meaningful. Recalling a nostalgic (compared to ordinary) memory increases sel... Read More about Nostalgic conversations: The co-production of an intervention package for people living with dementia and their spouse.