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Dr Jennifer May's Outputs (21)

Gamification in biomedical science education: The successful implementation of Resimion, a scenario-based learning tool (2023)
Journal Article

Introduction: Scenario-based learning and gamification have many advantages in comparison to traditional didactic teaching methods, including development of many higher-level skills such as analysis and evaluation. It is hoped that these simulations... Read More about Gamification in biomedical science education: The successful implementation of Resimion, a scenario-based learning tool.

Understanding Hydrogen: Lessons to be learned from physical interactions between the inert gases and the globin superfamily (2022)
Journal Article

Hydrogen gas (molecular hydrogen, H2) has significant effects in a range of organisms, from plants to humans. Many inert gases have been reported to have similar effects, and such responses may be most pronounced when cells are stressed. Xenon (Xe),... Read More about Understanding Hydrogen: Lessons to be learned from physical interactions between the inert gases and the globin superfamily.

Paper-based lateral flow device for the sustainable measurement of human plasma fibrinogen in low-resource settings (2021)
Journal Article

Fibrinogen concentration is a major determinant of both clotting and bleeding risk. Clotting and bleeding disorders cause extensive morbidity and mortality, particularly in resource-poor and emergency settings. This is exacerbated by a lack of timely... Read More about Paper-based lateral flow device for the sustainable measurement of human plasma fibrinogen in low-resource settings.

Primary mesenchymal stromal cells in co-culture with leukaemic HL-60 cells are sensitised to cytarabine-induced genotoxicity, while leukaemic cells are protected (2021)
Journal Article

Tumour microenvironments are hallmarked in many cancer types. In haematological malignancies, bone marrow (BM) mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) protect malignant cells from drug-induced cytotoxicity. However, less is known about malignant impact on su... Read More about Primary mesenchymal stromal cells in co-culture with leukaemic HL-60 cells are sensitised to cytarabine-induced genotoxicity, while leukaemic cells are protected.

Determination of the appropriate gene for real-time PCR analysis of the immotalized stromal cell line HS-5 in 2D and 3D culture following melphalan exposure (2015)
Journal Article

Although gene expression analysis using real-time quan- titative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) is an accurate method to evaluate cell activi- ties and phenotypes, the reliability of the analysis depends on the selection of... Read More about Determination of the appropriate gene for real-time PCR analysis of the immotalized stromal cell line HS-5 in 2D and 3D culture following melphalan exposure.

The stromal cell line HS-5 is an alternative mesenchymal stem cell source for the development of a 3D bone marrow model (2015)
Journal Article

Developing a novel three-dimensional (3D) in vitro model of the bone marrow microenvironment using bone mar- row mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) in commercial matrices involves a series of distinct processes. This starts with selecting an appropriat... Read More about The stromal cell line HS-5 is an alternative mesenchymal stem cell source for the development of a 3D bone marrow model.

A novel biosensor for prediction of global hypomethylation by decitabine and azacytadine in leukaemic cells (2015)
Journal Article

Decitabine (DAC) and azacytidine (AZA) are cytidine ana- logues and hypomethylating agents used in the manage- ment of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), where the main goal is to prevent transformation to acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), wh... Read More about A novel biosensor for prediction of global hypomethylation by decitabine and azacytadine in leukaemic cells.

Development of a novel, physiologically relevant cytotoxicity model: Application to the study of chemotherapeutic damage to mesenchymal stromal cells (2012)
Journal Article

There is an increasing need for development of physiologically relevant in-vitro models for testing toxicity, however determining toxic effects of agents which undergo extensive hepatic metabolism can be particularly challenging. If a source of such... Read More about Development of a novel, physiologically relevant cytotoxicity model: Application to the study of chemotherapeutic damage to mesenchymal stromal cells.