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Selen Kars' Outputs (12)

What happens when you give an entrepreneur a camera? Illuminating spatial, embodied and affective aspects of entrepreneurship (2025)
Journal Article

The use of video to unlock the minutiae of everyday entrepreneurship is growing in response to calls for more creative research methods in studying entrepreneurship. In this paper, we explore the value and relevance of participant-generated video dia... Read More about What happens when you give an entrepreneur a camera? Illuminating spatial, embodied and affective aspects of entrepreneurship.

Dynamic managerial capabilities in micro-enterprises: Stability, vulnerability and the role of managerial time allocation (2020)
Journal Article

This article analyses how dynamic capabilities are enacted in micro-enterprises and what role different parties and managerial time allocation play in this enactment. Drawing upon three in-depth case studies of micro-enterprises, we make three theore... Read More about Dynamic managerial capabilities in micro-enterprises: Stability, vulnerability and the role of managerial time allocation.