Dr Billy Clayton William2.Clayton@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Human Geography
Dr Billy Clayton William2.Clayton@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Human Geography
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Environment and Sustainability Jim Longhurst James.Longhurst@uwe.ac.uk
Chris Willmore
Students in Bristol have given over 100,000 hours of their time to engaging with local organisations and tackling issues of sustainability in the city and wider region. This equates to 56.3 years’ worth of work provided to date, and an economic contribution of £642,061.
The Student Capital project has been instrumental in engaging over 7,500 students in the Green capital year.
The Student Capital project has celebrated and rewarded the efforts of students through the new Change Maker award. This award is given to students that have given both their time and effort to tackling the sustainability challenges we face. There is also the Gold Change Maker award, which is given to those students who have made an outstanding contribution.
In addition to the dissemination activities described above, the Student Capital was also a finalist for the national 2015 Green Gown Awards in the Student Engagement category, based on only the first six months of the project.
Student Capital has generated significant academic output about student sustainability engagement which demonstrates the value of involving Higher Education institutions in tackling the key challenges we face in society today. This knowledge base will be made available via the Student Capital Repository.
The Student Capital project has created Skills Bridge as a legacy for the ongoing partnership between students, the Universities, and organisations across the city and the region.
Other Type | Manual / Guide |
Publication Date | Jan 1, 2016 |
Peer Reviewed | Not Peer Reviewed |
Keywords | Green Capital, Student Capital, student engagement, sustainability, 2015, change makers |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/917971 |
The importance of the informal curriculum and academic involvement in supporting sustainability engagement
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Where to park? A behavioral comparison of bus Park & Ride and city center car park usage in Bath, UK
Presentation / Conference Contribution
About UWE Bristol Research Repository
Administrator e-mail: repository@uwe.ac.uk
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