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Green Capital: Student Capital - Final monitoring report

Clayton, William; Longhurst, James; Willmore, Chris


Chris Willmore


Students in Bristol have given over 126,000 hours of their time to engaging with local organisations and tackling issues of sustainability in the city and wider region. This equates to 74 years’ worth of work provided to date, and an economic contribution of almost £1.2million.

The Student Capital project has been instrumental in engaging over 8,000 students in the Green Capital year.

The Student Capital project has celebrated and rewarded the efforts of students through the new Change Maker award. This award is given to students that have given both their time and effort to tackling the sustainability challenges we face. The Gold Change Maker award recognises those students who have made an outstanding contribution.

The Student Capital project was a finalist in the EAUC 2015 Green Gown Awards in the Student Engagement category, based on only the first six months of the project. The competition judges commended the Student Capital project as: “A well-designed project of impressive scale and addressing vital issues of employability skills and the contribution of students to the city.” The Student Capital project is again a finalist in the 2016 awards, and a new case study and video has been produced for the EAUC.

Student Capital has generated significant academic output about student sustainability engagement which demonstrates the value of involving Higher Education institutions in tackling the key challenges we face in society today. This knowledge base will be made available via the Student Capital Repository.

The Student Capital project has created Skills Bridge as a legacy vehicle for the ongoing partnership between students, the Universities, and organisations across the city and the region.

Student Capital has provided additional benefit through its wider dissemination of project lessons and information to the Green Capital Partnership and SMEs in Bristol and the surrounding region. One particularly important contribution has been the Bristol Method document, which allows other cities to learn from the Student Capital and replicate some of the approaches taken in other contexts.

Report Type Project Report
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords Green Capital Student Capital, student engagement, sustainabiltiy, volunteering, placement, internship
Public URL