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Outputs (202)

What are the barriers and facilitators to effective health promotion in urgent and emergency care? A systematic review (2022)
Journal Article

Background: There are potential health gains such as reducing early deaths, years spent in ill-health and costs to society and the health and care system by encouraging NHS staff to use encounters with patients to help individuals significantly reduc... Read More about What are the barriers and facilitators to effective health promotion in urgent and emergency care? A systematic review.

Mapping the patient and family liaison role in UK helicopter emergency medical services: A service evaluation (2022)
Journal Article

Objective: Patient and family liaison practitioners are a relatively recent addition to UK helicopter emergency medical services to support patients with their recovery. A service evaluation was completed that mapped the current provision of patient... Read More about Mapping the patient and family liaison role in UK helicopter emergency medical services: A service evaluation.

Food for life get togethers evaluation: Good food and building community capacity through cook and share grants (2022)

‘Food for Life Get Togethers’ are regular community activities that connect people from all ages and backgrounds through growing, cooking and eating good food. In mid-2021 Food for Life asked community groups across the UK to apply for a £150 Cook an... Read More about Food for life get togethers evaluation: Good food and building community capacity through cook and share grants.

POS0003 Development and validation of a disease specific patient reported outcome for giant cell arteritis (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is caused by inflammation of the blood vessels of the head and neck; patients can present with cranial, ocular or large vessel vasculitis involvement. Treatment is with glucocorticoids, steroid sparing agents a... Read More about POS0003 Development and validation of a disease specific patient reported outcome for giant cell arteritis.

Medievals and moderns in conversation: Co-designing creative futures for under-used historic churches in rural communities (2022)
Journal Article

For many living in rural areas, the loss of traditional community assets and increased social fragmentation are a common feature of everyday life. The empty village church is a poignant symbol of these challenges; yet, these are sites that hold consi... Read More about Medievals and moderns in conversation: Co-designing creative futures for under-used historic churches in rural communities.

‘It’s there, it’s in front of your face if you put on the radio or the TV’: COVID-19, perceptions of death and dying and the context of public engagement (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought conversations about death and dying to the fore. Prior studies indicate that holding conversations about the future and end of life planning is beneficial but can be very difficult. Therefore, it is... Read More about ‘It’s there, it’s in front of your face if you put on the radio or the TV’: COVID-19, perceptions of death and dying and the context of public engagement.