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Outputs (18)

Addressing unrealistic optimism with counterfactual reasoning in an employability module in higher education (2020)
Journal Article

Purpose: The study aimed to explore the effect of second year business students engaging in counterfactual reasoning on their unrealistic optimism regarding attainment on an employability module. Design/methodology/approach: Using an experimental des... Read More about Addressing unrealistic optimism with counterfactual reasoning in an employability module in higher education.

Maintaining the promise without killing the dream: Developing resilience for future 'graduate' careers (2020)
Journal Article

Significant numbers of recent graduates continue to enter non-graduate roles. Against this backdrop, there is a need to consider how students and graduates can be prepared for the graduate labour market. Resilience is represented as a key attribute f... Read More about Maintaining the promise without killing the dream: Developing resilience for future 'graduate' careers.

Navigating the graduate labour market: the impact of social class on student understandings of graduate careers and the graduate labour market (2019)
Journal Article

Significant expansions in higher education over the last few decades have raised concerns about an over-supply of graduates in the labour market, such that a degree no longer seamlessly translates into a graduate career or occupation, with the increa... Read More about Navigating the graduate labour market: the impact of social class on student understandings of graduate careers and the graduate labour market.