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Outputs (417)

Antenatal and neonatal exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and children’s development: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article

Objectives: To conduct a systematic review of the impact of antenatal and neonatal exposure to SARS-CoV-2 on developmental outcomes in preterm and term-born infants. Methods: We searched Embase, Emcare, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Web of Science and grey lite... Read More about Antenatal and neonatal exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and children’s development: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Non-pharmacological fatigue interventions for patients with a primary brain tumour: A scoping review protocol (2023)
Journal Article

Introduction Fatigue is the most prevalent symptom for patients with a primary brain tumour (PBT), significantly reducing quality of life and limiting daily activities. Currently, there are limited options for managing cancer-related fatigue (CRF) in... Read More about Non-pharmacological fatigue interventions for patients with a primary brain tumour: A scoping review protocol.

“Work with us… to make it more accessible”. What women with intellectual disabilities want from infant-feeding health resources: An exploratory study (2023)
Journal Article

Background: More women with intellectual disabilities are becoming mothers but fewer are known to breastfeed compared with other women. Women with intellectual disabilities are entitled to accessible antenatal and infant feeding information, yet are... Read More about “Work with us… to make it more accessible”. What women with intellectual disabilities want from infant-feeding health resources: An exploratory study.

To investigate the biomechanical and physiological effects of Lycra sleeve on the upper limb in healthy adults (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Previous studies have shown beneficial effects of a Lycra arm sleeve in people with stroke (PwS), however, the mechanism of these effects is unclear. The aim was to investigate the effects of a Lycra arm sleeve on pressure, temperature,... Read More about To investigate the biomechanical and physiological effects of Lycra sleeve on the upper limb in healthy adults.

Enhancing self-directed upper-limb (UL) exercise practice using GripAble gaming device and Lycra arm sleeve in people with stroke (PwS): An evaluative study (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: The national clinical guidelines recommend repetitive task training to enhance UL rehabilitation in PwS. GripAble™ (a self-directed exergaming device) has shown to increase repetitive practice in PwS. Previous studies have shown that a Ly... Read More about Enhancing self-directed upper-limb (UL) exercise practice using GripAble gaming device and Lycra arm sleeve in people with stroke (PwS): An evaluative study.