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Chemotherapy induces a genotoxic bystander effect in cell lines from the human bone marrow; evaluation of the role of the redox microenvironment (2020)

Modern chemotherapeutic regimens for adult and childhood leukaemia rely on the use of a combination of various cytotoxic agents. Unfortunately, haematopoietic stem cell transplant, a last resort treatment for haematologic malignancies requires high d... Read More about Chemotherapy induces a genotoxic bystander effect in cell lines from the human bone marrow; evaluation of the role of the redox microenvironment.

APC and AXIN2 are promising biomarker candidates for the early detection of adenomas and hyperplastic polyps (2020)
Journal Article

Aberrant activation of the WNT/CTNNB1 pathway is notorious in colorectal cancer (CRC). Here, we demonstrate that the expression of specific and crucial WNT signaling pathway genes is linked to disease progression in colonic adenomatous (AP) and hyper... Read More about APC and AXIN2 are promising biomarker candidates for the early detection of adenomas and hyperplastic polyps.