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Outputs (358)

Reflection on a collaborative research project in digital moulding for glass casting and artistic interpretation (2014)
Journal Article

This is a two-part paper; firstly, describing a collaborative research project aiming to provide innovation in glass investment casting through the exploration of digital fabrication methods. Secondly, illustrating examples of the artistic explorati... Read More about Reflection on a collaborative research project in digital moulding for glass casting and artistic interpretation.

Dancing Screen (2013)
Physical Artefact

'Dancing Screen' represents the experiment for creating lightweight, kinetic architectural screens that can supply renewable energy generated from sunlight, making it available to people in public spaces. The artwork is composed of flexible photolumi... Read More about Dancing Screen.

Sleep (2010)
Exhibition / Performance

A clip from an original 20 minute video installation, created from a study of sleep and everyday movement.
Funded by Picture This, Bristol Exhibited at the Laban Centre, London.

Original music by Daniel Berridge

Outlanders (2009)
Digital Artefact

After his father's death, Adam hitchhikes to London from his hometown in Poland to find his older brother, a former Polish football star, now supplying illegal migrant workers to the booming construction industry in London. To the impressionable youn... Read More about Outlanders.

‘WE ARE NOT DANCERS (OBVIOUSLY)’ Sarah Cunliffe on Wood and Harrison’s undancerly video choreographies (2008)
Journal Article

Video artists John Wood and Paul Harrison have been collaborating since 1993 and, as Claire Doherty suggests, they draw on their fine art backgrounds to create formal compositions involving their bodies, objects and their relationships with space and... Read More about ‘WE ARE NOT DANCERS (OBVIOUSLY)’ Sarah Cunliffe on Wood and Harrison’s undancerly video choreographies.

Laura (2008)
Exhibition / Performance

Performed by dancers Catherine Lee, Denise Rowe, Laura Street and Emma Wyke, Laura refers to the main character in the classic 1945 film Brief Encounter. The movements of the dancers draw on the gestures and physical tics of the character in the film... Read More about Laura.

Printmaking: A Maker’s Guide
Book Chapter

Printmaking: A Maker’s Guide (Published by Thames and Hudson) Chapter on Linocut and Japanese woodblock (in progress at the moment). Due out Sept 2020