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Outputs (358)

Protecting transformative optimism in the art classroom: Exploring aspirant art teachers’ shifting ideals (2023)

This extended, normative case study was initiated in response to my professional concerns regarding the capacity of student art and design teachers to defend and extend their personal ideals for future classroom practice. Placement in schools, a majo... Read More about Protecting transformative optimism in the art classroom: Exploring aspirant art teachers’ shifting ideals.

Let’s play together (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Throughout 2022-23 Watershed (cultural cinema & creative technology centre) have been working with an architect & socially-engaged artist on plans to adapt their building for the Climate Emergency. Watershed leads within its communities with a proud... Read More about Let’s play together.

An exploratory study of methodologies for digital colour printing in textile design, through an understanding of interwar historical colour palettes (2023)

Digital printing technology has had a major impact for the textile designer. Their design process now enables them to create complicated multi-layered digital designs incorporating photographic images and intricate detail. Artwork is no longer restri... Read More about An exploratory study of methodologies for digital colour printing in textile design, through an understanding of interwar historical colour palettes.

The alchemy of metaphor (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In Joan Didion’s biopic ‘The Centre Will Not Hold’ there’s a moment when she speaks of seeing a five year old girl on acid in Haight Ashbury.

‘It was gold,’ she says, sharp-eyed and birdlike.

Didion knew the power of writing to transform... Read More about The alchemy of metaphor.

What is drawing research? (2023)
Exhibition / Performance

This exhibition, curated by the UWE BCU Drawing Research Group, serves as an introduction and testament to the evolving significance of drawing as a cross-disciplinary tool for research, communication and ideation.
We aim to challenge established p... Read More about What is drawing research?.

The Hyphen is a Dagger (2023)
Physical Artefact

The Hyphen Is a Dagger collaborative publication: Angie Butler, SJFowler, Pat Randle published by Nomad Letterpress.

A distinctive, eccentric, playful work of literature, The Hyphen is a Dagger is a product of a unique collaborative project betwee... Read More about The Hyphen is a Dagger.

Kind Materials Research (2023)
Exhibition / Performance

Kind Materials Research innovatively integrates bio-dyeing with laser technology, offering sustainable alternatives to conventional dyeing and finishing. Experimental bio-mordants derived from plant, fungi, and algae sources enhanced the natural dyes... Read More about Kind Materials Research.

Co-developing participatory dramabased methods to gather diverse community voices on water relationships in the riverside town of Tewkesbury, UK (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Flood-prone places and people often face conflicting interests that hinder their ability to cope with, and adapt to, wider water security issues. To enhance capacities of these places and people, interdisciplinary researchers (UWE, Bristol) and Acta... Read More about Co-developing participatory dramabased methods to gather diverse community voices on water relationships in the riverside town of Tewkesbury, UK.

SOL-ART Visions (2023)
Exhibition / Performance

Building-Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) technology enables the replacement of conventional building envelope materials with photovoltaics (PVs) that generate electrical energy from sunlight. PVs can be integrated visibly or invisibly into roofs and f... Read More about SOL-ART Visions.

The Long Partition (2023)
Exhibition / Performance

Curators Note: Huma Mulji’s proposal consists of nine trompe l’oeil paintings of cassette tapes used by her mother to correspond with her closest female relatives. Each cassette carries an oral epistle, a Derridean “sendoff” pining for a reply, a lon... Read More about The Long Partition.