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Dr Mwidimi Ndosi's Outputs (13)

The effectiveness of e-learning in patient education delivered to patients with rheumatoid arthritis: The WebRA study—protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Patient education is integral to the treatment and care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Change is taking place in the organisation of healthcare systems because of a demographic shift towards ageing populations, an increasing use o... Read More about The effectiveness of e-learning in patient education delivered to patients with rheumatoid arthritis: The WebRA study—protocol for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial.

Factors associated with patient activation in inflammatory arthritis: A multisite cross-sectional study (2021)
Journal Article

Objectives Patient activation covers the skills, abilities and behaviour that impact how able and willing someone is to take an active role in self-managing their health. This study explored clinical and psychosocial factors associated with patient a... Read More about Factors associated with patient activation in inflammatory arthritis: A multisite cross-sectional study.

A rare disease patient-reported outcome measure: revision and validation of the German version of the Systemic Sclerosis Quality of Life Questionnaire (SScQoL) using the Rasch model (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Rare disease patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) require linguistic adaptation to overcome the challenge of geographically dispersed patient populations. Importantly, PROMs such as health-related quality of life (HRQoL) should accur... Read More about A rare disease patient-reported outcome measure: revision and validation of the German version of the Systemic Sclerosis Quality of Life Questionnaire (SScQoL) using the Rasch model.

Clinicians’ perspectives on psychological distress and meeting patients’ support needs in rheumatology care settings (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: People with inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRDs) face challenges that include fluctuations in pain, fatigue and flares of disease activity, complex medical regimens, and decisions about when to seek cl... Read More about Clinicians’ perspectives on psychological distress and meeting patients’ support needs in rheumatology care settings.

AB0834 Development of a conceptual framework for a patient reported outcome measure to capture patients’ perceptions of glucocorticoid therapy during treatment for rheumatic diseases (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Glucocorticoids (GCs) are a key treatment for the autoimmune rheumatic diseases; however, they produce numerous physical and psychological side effects.1 The Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Gl... Read More about AB0834 Development of a conceptual framework for a patient reported outcome measure to capture patients’ perceptions of glucocorticoid therapy during treatment for rheumatic diseases.

OP0155-HPR Remote management of rheumatoid arthritis vs routine outpatient follow-up: A prospective, longitudinal real-world study (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background: Remote management of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using patient self-assessment of disease and patient-reported outcomes has potential to inform timely clinical decisions on disease management, reduce burde... Read More about OP0155-HPR Remote management of rheumatoid arthritis vs routine outpatient follow-up: A prospective, longitudinal real-world study.

O26 Testing an intervention to reduce fatigue impact in inflammatory arthritis: Design and outcomes of a single-arm feasibility study (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Background/Aims Patients with inflammatory arthritis report that fatigue can be a challenging symptom to manage, with little support available. In response, we developed a brief one-to-one cognitive-behavioural manualised intervention, delivered by r... Read More about O26 Testing an intervention to reduce fatigue impact in inflammatory arthritis: Design and outcomes of a single-arm feasibility study.

Patient perceptions of health-related quality of life in giant cell arteritis: International development of a disease-specific patient-reported outcome measure (2021)
Journal Article

Objectives: GCA is a large vessel vasculitis (LVV) presenting with headache, jaw claudication, musculoskeletal and visual involvement. Current treatment is glucocorticoids and anti-IL-6 tocilizumab in refractory disease. The objective of this study w... Read More about Patient perceptions of health-related quality of life in giant cell arteritis: International development of a disease-specific patient-reported outcome measure.