Volatiles from oral anaerobes
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benjamin De Lacy Costello's Outputs (91)
Analysis of volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath from liver cirrhotics (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Analyses of volatile organic compounds to diagnose clostridium difficile and campylobacter (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Spiral formation and degeneration in heterogeneous excitable media (2009)
Journal Article
Spontaneous spiral formation occurs when an excitation wave is input to a heterogeneous network of low- and high-light-intensity cells projected onto a light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. The range of network conditions where spirals form... Read More about Spiral formation and degeneration in heterogeneous excitable media.
Implementation of glider guns in the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium (2009)
Journal Article
In cellular automata models a glider gun is an oscillating pattern of nonquiescent states that periodically emits traveling localizations (gliders). The glider streams can be combined to construct functionally complete systems of logical gates and th... Read More about Implementation of glider guns in the light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium.
Reaction diffusion computers (2009)
Chemical tessellations (2009)
Journal Article
We report a simple set of chemical reactions based on the reaction of a range of metal salts with potassium ferricyanide loaded gels that spontaneously produce complex and colorful tessellations of the plane. These reactions provide a great resource... Read More about Chemical tessellations.
Fine control and selection of travelling waves in Inorganic Pattern Forming Reactions (2009)
Journal Article
Under normal reaction conditions [AlCl3 0.28-0.34M and NaOH 2.5M A.Volford et al.] spontaneous spiral and circular travelling precipitate waves were observed. We constructed a phase diagram for the reaction and identified a large controllable region... Read More about Fine control and selection of travelling waves in Inorganic Pattern Forming Reactions.
Dynamic control and information processing in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction using a coevolutionary algorithm (2008)
Journal Article
We propose that the behavior of nonlinear media can be controlled dynamically through coevolutionary systems. In this study, a light-sensitive subexcitable Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction is controlled using a heterogeneous cellular automaton. A checke... Read More about Dynamic control and information processing in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction using a coevolutionary algorithm.
Highly sensitive room temperature sensors based on the UV-LED activation of zinc oxide nanoparticles (2008)
Journal Article
This study describes novel work on the use of UV-light emitting diodes (LEDs) to enhance the room temperature gas sensitivity of thick film zinc oxide sensors. Sensors based on nanoparticulates of zinc oxide activated with a UV-LED of peak wavelength... Read More about Highly sensitive room temperature sensors based on the UV-LED activation of zinc oxide nanoparticles.
Co-evolving cellular automatat with memory for chemical computing: Boolean logic gates in the BZ reaction (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The characteristics of novel low-cost sensors for volatile biomarker detection (2008)
Journal Article
For breath analyses, volatile detectors capable of sensing extremely low concentrations in the sub-ppm range are required. Novel room temperature sensors were fabricated based on ultraviolet light activation of nanoparticulate metal oxide surfaces us... Read More about The characteristics of novel low-cost sensors for volatile biomarker detection.
A sensor system for monitoring the simple gases hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and ethanol in exhaled breath (2008)
Journal Article
A sensor array system was constructed incorporating electrochemical sensors for hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and ethanol, a ceramic sensor for total volatiles and a dye-based optical ammonia sensor. The system was calibrated using stan... Read More about A sensor system for monitoring the simple gases hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and ethanol in exhaled breath.
A comparative study of the analysis of human urine headspace using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (2008)
Journal Article
First-void urine samples were obtained from 24 elderly, asymptomatic men (median age 62.9 years). The headspace above pH adjusted urine samples were extracted using a carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane solid phase micro-extraction fibre and the volatile o... Read More about A comparative study of the analysis of human urine headspace using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
An analysis of volatiles in the headspace of the faeces of neonates (2008)
Journal Article
A gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis of the headspace from the faeces of neonates was undertaken to record the volatiles associated with preterm babies on a neonatal unit. The compounds ethanol, acetone, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, 3-methylb... Read More about An analysis of volatiles in the headspace of the faeces of neonates.
A sensor system for monitoring the simple gases hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and ethanol in exhaled breath (2008)
Journal Article
A sensor array system was constructed incorporating electrochemical sensors for hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and ethanol, a ceramic sensor for total volatiles and a dye-based optical ammonia sensor. The system was calibrated using stan... Read More about A sensor system for monitoring the simple gases hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and ethanol in exhaled breath.
On logical gates in precipitating medium: Cellular automaton model (2008)
Journal Article
We study a two-dimensional semi-totalistic binary cell-state cellular automaton, which imitates a reversible precipitation in an abstract chemical medium. The systems exhibits a non-trivial growth and nucleation. We demonstrate how basic computationa... Read More about On logical gates in precipitating medium: Cellular automaton model.
Computation by competing patterns: life rule B2/S2345678 (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Towards designing collision based chemical logic gates with adaptive computing (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Computation by competing patterns: life rule B2/S2345678 (2008)
Book Chapter
Patterns, originating from different sources of perturbations, propagating in a precipitating chemical medium do usually compete for the space. They sub-divide the medium onto the regions unique for an initial configuration of disturbances. This sub-... Read More about Computation by competing patterns: life rule B2/S2345678.