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Kris Kinsey's Outputs (10)

Language testing in awake craniotomy for brain tumor resection: A survey of current perioperative practice in the United Kingdom (2025)
Journal Article

Background Language testing and mapping procedures are considered the gold standard for safe tumor resection and preservation of language and communication in patients with tumors located in an area eloquent for language, especially in the presence o... Read More about Language testing in awake craniotomy for brain tumor resection: A survey of current perioperative practice in the United Kingdom.

Teaching Theory of Mind (2013)
Journal Article

Research Findings: An understanding of another's mental state, beliefs, or desires is often referred to as theory of mind (ToM). Pretence has been shown to be a precursor to ToM (Leslie, 1987; Lillard, 1999, 2001), and thus ToM could potentially be d... Read More about Teaching Theory of Mind.

Estimation of functional connectivity from electromagnetic signals and the amount of empirical data required (2012)
Journal Article

An increasing number of neuroimaging studies are concerned with the identification of interactions or statistical dependencies between brain areas. Dependencies between the activities of different brain regions can be quantified with functional conne... Read More about Estimation of functional connectivity from electromagnetic signals and the amount of empirical data required.

The role of oscillatory brain activity in object processing and figure-ground segmentation in human vision (2011)
Journal Article

The perception of an object as a single entity within a visual scene requires that its features are bound together and segregated from the background and/or other objects. Here, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to assess the hypothesis that coher... Read More about The role of oscillatory brain activity in object processing and figure-ground segmentation in human vision.